Watching Plasma in daytime


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Aug 10, 2019
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As many of you will know I am hoping to get a Plasma. Half of my viewing will be in the daytime when the room will be brighter. I am a bit worried by reports that Plasma isn't as good as LCD in this situation? However, my living room doesn't get direct sunlight in the afternoon and I could draw the curtains which would cut out a good bit of light so should this be okay?I can't imagine it would be any worse than my CRT which was fine apart from a little bit of reflection which I'm hoping the Plasma won't have. Before anyone says it I am not being a worryboots! Just making sure a Plasma is right for me as it is a considered purchase.


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Mar 15, 2008
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If you`re planning on watching the set during the day with the curtains drawn I suggest putting a note on the door stating "Plasma Screen In Operation" otherwise people might get the wrong idea


Like i said to your other post- Yes they do reflect like crt tv's but not quite as badly. It can be a bummer in real bright rooms but other than that go for it girl.


[quote user="bf1"]
If you`re planning on watching the set during the day with the curtains drawn I suggest putting a note on the door stating "Plasma Screen In Operation" otherwise people might get the wrong idea


It's okay. My living room window is at the back where no one can see it!lol


[quote user="Paulthefilmfan"]Like i said to your other post- Yes they do reflect like crt tv's but not quite as badly. It can be a bummer in real bright rooms but other than that go for it girl.[/quote]

Yes cheers for that.


Reflections in plasmas are not as bad as the old CRT, but LCDs are much better.

The Panasonic anti-glare coating does help, so it is better than some plasmas in this respect. (You get more relection from the shiny black frame than the actual screen).

"Natural Vision Filter This advanced filter keeps images sharp, with minimal glare. Whilst dramatically reducing reflections from external light, it helps to produce clear images. This filter creates a pure and wide range of colours, and crisp images."

My lounge is south facing, with the TV at 90 degrees to the window, so it gets direct sunlight mid-morning. It's best then to draw one of the curtains then to avoid direct sunlight on the screen. Otherwise it is not a real problem.


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Dec 28, 2007
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(NB - all this is with curtains closed, but curtains that are designed to let in light as I very rarely open them living in a ground floor flat in a crime filled city

With mine, if it's a sunny day and the sun is shining directly on the screen through the window, it's a real issue. If it's a bright, but cloudy day (i.e. no direct sunlight), it's not so much of an issue, though every now and then, I do catch myself in the reflection and it's annoying. If I'm watching something good though, I don't notice! Any other time and it's not an issue at all.

I am looking to get a blackout blind I can roll down now the summer months are coming in so I can have normal curtains during normal viewing and blackout times for daytime sunny viewing. I think this will also come into its own once I get my projector...


its 10am, sunny and bright, 42" plasmas on MTV Base, frame is gloss black, no reflections picture-wise or on the frame :)


Scotsgirl, I know you were looking at the Pannys.... I am watching my TH42PX80, the sun is shing through the window and putting a window shaped bright spot on the carpet which would have annoyed the hell out of me when watching my CRT. I can see the reflection on the glossy surround, but the screen itself is fine with no reflections. It'll be fine.


Hi , I have a TH42PX80 and a large sun facing window. the TV is sideways on to the incoming glare. I don't suffer very much from any kind of reflection, but DO experience the impression of a 'dark' picture when the sun is bright. Even with the (white) blinds closed it still comes nowhere near the pic quality at night. There is an ECO setting which changes according to room environ. JJ


Cheers everyone! I really appreciate the advice.

Sounds like the Plasma won't be any worse for daytime viewing than my CRT. In fact it may be better. My TV is back from the window a bit and is 'side on' so should be ok.

DJ Krime the only reason I watch TV during the daytime is because I can't work due to illness and can't do much around the house. Believe me it can become boring!!!


[quote user="D.J.KRIME"]
I hope it not anything too bad Scotsgirl.

Afraid I have quite a few chronic ailments which are a pain (literally as well!)but I can see, hear and go for gentle walks so am grateful for that.

My TV is a Godsend as I can lie down and relax on the sofa and watch all the wonderful daytime programmes! Need a horrified looking emoticon here!!!!

No I have a Humax PVR which is brilliant so can watch what I want when I want.

Thanks for asking DJ. Very nice of you.


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