VT20 hits the shops in USA



i think if its as good as , or at least very close to the kuro , then given that its also 3d , and £2k , with glasses , its gonna be a no brainer purchase for anyone with that budget ..unless of course they want an lcd..

if its only slightly better than the v10 , as the g20 is said to be slightly better than the g10 , then it will be a letdown imo given all the hype , and the input of the ex pioneer boffins...


I think it has to beat the Kuro to not be a let down. Would hope the SD picture quality is best in class, better than kuro. Taken for granted the blacks are Kuro standard?.

Interesting what size WHF will review it against 46/47'' or 52''.


i suppose there will be a 3d supertest in the next few months , ideally all of the various makers top 3dtvs tested together , hopefully they all get some sets into whfi so they can get it on

i still dont think the kuro will lose its crown till next year , but i hope im wrong , and , if the vt20 does it , assuming its the cheapest 50in as looks likely , we might have a great bargain on our hands to boot...


yes you are right there wont be a supertest for a while as that will take time to get the review samples. So the comparison in the first few weeks will be its 2D performance against the kuro,

other than the black level the LG 50'' plasma reviewed by WHF came out pretty well, so would expect the VT20 to go just far enough further to pip it - of course it would have to be conclusively better to get any kind of consensus, meaning it will take a while to totally slay the kuro and as you say prob next year


Maybe a bit of off-topic question:

I talked to a local dealer yesterday about the panaonic range of TV's. He said that the G-range uses a lot of plasma technologies the Pioneer engineers developed but never released in their own range, and that the V- nad vT-range will use tech they have developed since joining Panasonic.

Was he wrong, didn't panasonic make full use of them in the G-range or is the competiotion THAT good nowadays that Kuro didn't really matter that much in the G-range?

Made me a shortlist after that visit at least (in order of interest):

Panasonic P42V20

Sasmung UE-40C7705 (as sold in Sweden with 3D)

Philips 42PFL9664

Whenever the issues arrives, I'll make up my mind.


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