Vintage Yamaha M70 with LS50


New member
Nov 19, 2014
Someone is selling a vintage Yamaha m70 for $300 on Craig's list. (200 WPC class ab) Has anyone used it with LS50?
Do you own the LS50's already?

That power amp is more than enough amp for those speakers.

If the amp is in good condition go for it.
shkumar4963 said:
Yes. I do own ls50. Is there a quick way to check if the m70 is working well and does not need repairs.

Not really. It could have an intermittent fault. It's not cheap enough for the risk IMO. Personally I would settle for a lower powered one that is new. On the newer Yamahas you get a guarantee and also remote control.
For $300 I'd pass.

Buying vintage high biased SS amp with its heatsinks inside the case, and from unknown source, is asking for trouble. Most of such amps are baked and are too expensive for refurbishing, even worse to be repaired.


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