Viewing & Listening Experience Upgrade.


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2009
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We are always looking to upgrade our a.v.equipement to enhance our viewing and listening pleasure , but what can be done to the "Room" we view and listen in. I am not talking about those lucky enough to have a dedicated home cinema room, I am talking about the vast majority of us who have a lounge that is put to other uses as well as watching t.v. / films on home cinema equipement.

For example , laminate flooring or carpet , blinds or curtains , Is there something you have tried and found beneficial in other areas ! Or can anybody suggest something else that can enhance the viewing experience without having to spend money upgrading amps, speakers, etc.

I know a "surefire" way is to upgrade equipement, but i am looking at ways that can make the most of what we already have.

Any Suggestions ?


New member
Dec 11, 2008
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I used to work for a major manu****turer dealing with major clients and architects and when broadcating companies wanted to control sound they used carpet on the floors and walls! If you want to control reflected sound and appease neighbours (flats) then use a good underfelt (40 oz) and a carpet with a dense pile (60 + tufts per inch) such as a witon or axminster. Hard floors reflect sound which is why we supplied carpet to concert halls and opera houses. If you have a hard floor and can not change it buy a decent size rug. I also find that thick lined curtains also help in my lounge.

Best wishes


Personally, I think having a comfortable listening postion on your couch or chair, centrally postioned to speakers and tv is a priority.

We are lucky enough to have a huge family style sofa with the TV on the wall opposite and stand mount speakers either side with di-polar speakers wall mounted behind us, and we find the whole experience very enjoyable. we have the majority of our wooden floor in the lounge area covered with a heavy rug and alot of soft furnishings.

As you say you can only go so far before an upgrade is the next logical step, but having a comfortable and cosy environment makes a big difference too...!!


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