Just thought I'd share my recent experience with anyone who's looking at buying an LCD TV soon. I've just bought a Samsung LE37A656 after about 2 years (yes, really) of umming and ahhing and I just have to say it's fantastic! I was torturing myself about getting a 1080p set after reading many times that the SD performance could suffer on these sets compared to HD Ready. I have to say - when I first plugged everything in, HD performance was actually better than I had expected it to be! I don't know if this is the same for everyone, but the way it moves stuff around the screen is so smooth it's breathtaking - it's like they've been coated in oil they're so smooth! Games and Blu-Ray are equally impressive. Then came the bump back to Earth. SD was very dissapointing. TV pictures were very pixelly and ill-defined (not just compared to HD, but just, well, anything). Also upscaled DVD pictures were not great. However, after a little time playing with the menus I'd pretty much got SD TV and DVD pictures up to the level they used to be on my CRT set. I found the best way was to set the picture to movie mode and turn the sharpness way down. A few more alterations and I was as happy as a pig in.... a sty. So now I have a 37" 1080p LCD TV which is awesome with Hi-Def, great with SD and looks absolutely beautiful into the bargain - and I only paid about £630 for it (about a month ago). By the way, if anyone thinks I work for Samsung or something, I don't - I'm just offering my view on my purchase because I have read a few negative things about samsung sets from other readers. Good hunting!