Using my old speaker wiring set up for my new system.


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Aug 4, 2009
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Firstly, forgive my ignorance on all things home cinema.

My lovely 9 year old CRT Panasonic TX-28DK2 died recently. I am just about to take delivery of a Panasonic TX-L37G10B LCD and a Panansonic DMPBD60 MR Blu-ray player.

My old system was a 5 speaker affair with three at the front and 2 rear speakers. The speaker cables connected directed to audio outs on the TV. When we had new carpets fitted I took the opportunity to run the cables from the TV to the rear speakers the under the carpet to hide them from view and this has worked well. The cables for the speakers are thin and grey - very much like the speaker wire for a usual stereo.

Is there any any way I can continue to use this wiring for any new home cinema set up? I realise I cannot connect them directly to the TV as before. But are their any AV receivers/speakers that will accept my old wiring which has bare wires at the end which attach to clasps in both the speakers and the AV receiver?

I hope this all makes sense.

Any advice gratefully received.

Andrew Everard

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Virtually all receivers and speakers can accept bare wire ends: you just unscrew the terminal collars, wrap the wire end round the metal posts exposed, or push them through a hole in the post, and then screw the collars back down.

It won't be ideal - would be better to get some slightly chunkier cable - but it'll work...


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So I should be able to continue using the old speakers from the previous Panny set-up and just have to buy a Sub-Woofer and a receiver?

Then it's just a matter of connecting the audio outputs from the TV and Blu-Ray player to the inputs on the AV receiver and I will have sound from both the TV and Blu-ray through my old speaker wire and speakers?

Apologies for being so dumb.


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Aug 24, 2007
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Yes it should be fine but if you are spending decent money on a new receiver, BD player and TV then, when funds permit, you could upgrade speakers and cable for a much better sound.


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"When funds permit" - my constant refrain. Just out of interest - with the TV and Blu-Ray I have outlined is it possible to get a decent AV receiver and speakers for under £300?

Andrew Everard

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EMcG:So I should be able to continue using the old speakers from the previous Panny set-up and just have to buy a Sub-Woofer and a receiver?

Quite possibly not: the speakers used with these all-on one systems tend to have very low impedance, and it could well be that they will prove hard for an AV receiver to drive. Were these speakers driven by internal amps in the TV, or as part of an all-in-one system?

If you can let me have a model number, I'll do some digging...


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The CRT TV was a Panasonic TX-28DK2 bought back in 2000 - all the five speakers were run from audio outs on the back of the TV itself. I have to say it was a great TV and had great sound. Very sad to see it go.

By the way, I have seen things called 'Banana Plugs' - could I attach these to the ends of the bare wires to make it easier to plus them into various input sockets?


EMcG:"When funds permit" - my constant refrain. Just out of interest - with the TV and Blu-Ray I have outlined is it possible to get a decent AV receiver and speakers for under £300?

No you cant. There are some reasonable AV amps / receivers for £300 but you'll have to continue saving up to get new speakers.

Andrew Everard

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From what I can see, the TV uses small, low-impedance speakers, which may well not be suitable - and will probably sound horrid, when used with a 'proper' AV amp or receiver.

You may be able to pick up a Sony STR-820 receiver - last time I looked Richer Sounds had a few left - for around £230, and Yamaha NSP110 speaker package for £80, also at RS.

I agree with Heystak's thought that you really need to spend more (though not his tone), but the system suggested above is going to be a whole site better than the set-up you've been used to.


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Aug 4, 2009
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Firstly, thanks for the the feedback - thank god I found this forum!

I have decided to save a bit harder and longer and go for the Panasonic SC-BT200EB-K home cinema system with wireless rear speakers which works best for me. Plus it got a great review in this magazine. Hoping the price might come down over time (perhaps foolishly).


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