Upscaling & Upconversion


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm not sure if I have got the difference correct with these two features.

Is it that upscaling adjusts the resolution up to 720p/1080i/1080p and upconversion transfers other inputs so that they can be output through HDMI, regardless of res?

I am looking for an amp that will take everything that comes in, scale it to 1080p and send it through HDMI, will the Denon 1909 or 2309 do this, or the Yamaha 863SE, or will I have to pay more?
Shoot me if im wrong but i would think the reon in the onkyo recivers would upscale better the the denons! Although im pretty sure the anwswer too your question is a yes the denon espesh the 2309 should upscale all inputs to 1080p or whatever you want
You are right regarding upscaling and upconversion.

The Denon 1909, Denon 2309 and Yamaha 863SE will upscale analogue only. HDMI not.

The Denon 4308, Denon 3808, Yamaha Z11 and Yamaha RXV3900 upscales analogue and HDMI signals.
You are right regarding upscaling and upconversion.

The Denon 1909, Denon 2309 and Yamaha 863SE will upscale analogue only. HDMI not.

The Denon 4308, Denon 3808, Yamaha Z11 and Yamaha RXV3900 upscales analogue and HDMI signals.

How are you getting on Charl with your pre outs??

I still have to do the auto calibration, hopefully on the weekend. Will let you know. Sounds great at the moment in stereo and with movies, i just have to remember to adjust the volume.


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