Upgrading to Marantz UD5005 Universal BluRay?


New member
Apr 9, 2013

I'm looking for advice on a possible upgrade/ re-shuffle my current cd/blu-ray arrangement.

I currently have a Marantz CD5004,and a cheaper sony blu-ray player.

Limited by space, I currently have the Cd5004 , Marantz Nr1042, and blu-ray stacked in my space for hi-fi, the cd player and av reciever taking up the most space as the blu-ray is qoute slim.

I have been thinking of upgrading my Blu-ray player , but have been restricted a little as I can't just buy a new one and replace the sony , as most of the decent ones are not as slim. I came across the Marantz UD5005 universal Blu-ray and had the idea that if It were of good enough quality I could just use it to play everything including Cds and get rid of the Cd5004. I realise I would get much better quality blu-ray playback, and if i wanted SACD too, but my main question would be, is it going to give me as good quality Cd playback as a my Cd5004? If I go for a blu ray player costing twice as much as my current Cd player, will I retain the audio performance on Cd playback that I get currently?

There are a few things I realise I would be sacrificing, such as a headphone output, pitch control, and A-B loop, both of which I sometimes use when playing along to Cds on my guitar.

If anybody has had any experience of comparing Cd playback on Blu-ray players vs dedicated Cd players your advice would be appreciated.



Well-known member
May 21, 2009
I have a UD5005 but is now only used very sparingly for DVD/Blue Ray duties.Thats no reflection on the player, just that we hardly watch any films these days.

I bought it originally last year when I had ideas of setting up a man-cave in the front room, and used it for CD playback as well as DVDs etc. It is an excellent player, easily on a par with my old CD5003 that I had, but compared to a CDP pretty slow going to load up discs etc. When my DVD player in the back room packed in we replaced it with the UD5005 and I bought my Arcam CD17 for CD duties.

I don't think you need to worry about CD playback however.
