Upgrades to old system


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello, all, would be grateful for some advice.

I will be upgrading my system over the next year with a nominal budget of £3,000 to £4,000. My current system is made up of a Pioneer PDS 505 Precision CD player, Cambridge Audio 640 A with Monitor Audio RS1s. I also have a white Macbbook.

I'm wondering whether to go down the traditional route of replacing each component or taking a more 'left field' approach and getting a DAC which would hopefully breathe some new life into the Pioneer (which I understand is an excellent transport) as well as improving the output of the Macbook. I would then upgrade the amplification and speakers. I'm even toying with the idea of active speakers.

I listen to a wide a variety of music - Autechre to Zappa, the listening room is small.
Thanks, Ali3n. Any thoughts on the actual DAC? Was thinking along the lines of Musical Fidelity M3 or the new Arcam.

Sorry, I thought the the DAC and speakers you mentioned were your own system. Very interesting proposal. Thanks again.
Dryfeld:Ali3n, Sorry, I thought the the DAC and speakers you mentioned were your own system.
I wish

Dryfeld:Very interesting proposal. Thanks again.
No problem. Whatever you decide on, make sure to audition. Then let your ears decide.

And don't be put off listening to gear well below your budget. Price is not always an indicator of quality in this hobby.

Happy hunting.


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