Upgraded to NAD C326BEE Amp - Speakers Next but which ones...


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Just purchased a NAD C326BEE amp as I managed to blow my old cambridge audio one. I currently have bookshelf Monitor Audio Sliver S2's (Not the new ones the one from about 3 years ago) which I'm pretty happy with.

I have DJ equipment and I like to play it pretty loud and it's a relitvly big room it has to fill. I was going to spend about £400-500 on some decent floorstanding speakers, but didn't know if this was a waste as I've only spent £260 on the amp.

Also is it going to be alot louder if I get floorstanding speakers rather than bookshelf - or is it just based on what power the amp provides (50 watt per channel).
Audition some B&W 685s £380, it's a winning combo, and yes, they go very loud 🙂

TBH you're not going to get any floorstanders that are any better unless you spend minimum £700 or go for second hand. But you'll NEED these 685s on a good pair of stands, ideally a pair of Partington Super Dreadnoughts (min £150)
You like MA, and you want a new floorstander. I'd go listen to the Monitor BR5...
Well to answeer your question, floorstanders are giving to give you much much more weight and scale and depth to the sound. Also as you have a fairly big room, that's also a good reason for floorstanders. I wouldn't say it was a waste spending that type of money on decent floorstanders with the amp you have.

I haven't heard this amp though, how does it sound with your current speakers?



Unfortunately I haven't heard the BR5's but I gather they are very good. Also the second ones, the Neo 3's in my opinon these are also excellent speakers with plenty of bass weight, immediately impressive in their openness, and carry lots of slam.

You could also keep your eye out on ebay for Montor Audio RS6's which are sometimes sold on there for under 400.00 albeit second hand.
I dissagree that you have to spend more than 700 pounds to get a decent floorstander.those MA BR5 can be had for £400 brand new and they sound refined detailed yet with plenty of slam and scale if needed,my cousin has them and I think they sound great,he has a NAD C352 powering them to great effect. AE do great budget floorstanders too if you like a big soundstage .with plenty of drive.


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