Upgrade from Onkyo to pioneer receiver.

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marco_1: It,s realy a matter of your taste and preferences in sound, and what u might describe as Bright , another one might call it neutral, detailed, exiting elc.

Exactly my point, although you've just contradicted yourself, by initially claiming Pioneer's superiority regardless of preferences in sound:


Regardless to your speakers and taste/prefereneces in sound -The LX-82 it,s finest and best performer on the market at thise price point for now!
bigboss -Apparently you are missing the point, I do Think that is the pioneer
lx82 is the superior amp. over the yamaha z7, in term of performance and
sonic scale! and if you read my text more carefully u will find that
iam very clear on that point.

I was just wrighting my opinion back about what you wroght earlier in this thread that the pioneer being
bright sounding.
I think this discussion is getting rather theoretical and academic rather than practical.

Looking at the receivers in isolation, I guess Pioneer LX82 is the winner. That is at least the WhatHifi opinion granting the receiver Product of the Year status in this price category.

But how does that help us, when we are not looking at the receivers in isolation?

I have heard Yamaha Z7 and Pioneer with both B&W and Monitor Audio speakers. I would choose the Yamaha any day for these combinations! I simply didn't like the sound of Pioneer (also after fine tuning).

But then again, also as discussed, sound is a very personal thing, and there really is no way around trying it out for yourself.
I don't think Pioneer LX82 is any superior to the Yamaha Z7. It all boils down to personal preference. You prefer Pioneer's sound to Yamaha, & I prefer the other way round.

As a rule, match bright sounding receivers with warm speakers & warm receivers with bright speakers. Monitor Audio speakers are relatively bright sounding, & the Pioneer will only enhance that. What's the point of compensating this imbalance (with Pioneer's X-curve), when it can be entirely avoided with a warm receiver?

Your Focal Chorus speakers are warm sounding, & that's why your Pioneer receiver matches beautifully with them.
Pioneer av amps are not all "bright" sounding I can assure you that

depends on which specific range you are referring to - I found the Icepower ones over-warm if anything IMO (I had a SC-LX71)

I currently have an AX10Ai-S - which also is warm sounding - very mellow - previous to both of these I had a 2011 - which was quite bright - all I'm saying is that you can't catagorize a complete brand as "warm" or "bright" - its different from model to model

if you are considering the Z7 - how about the 3900 as well (and saving money in the process) ? how much difference is there between the 2 ?

I don't think Pioneer LX82 is any superior to the Yamaha Z7. It all boils down to personal preference. You prefer Pioneer's sound to Yamaha, & I prefer the other way round.

No, actually I prefer it the other way around as well (as you can tell from my signature


As a rule, match bright sounding receivers with warm speakers & warm receivers with bright speakers. Monitor Audio speakers are relatively bright sounding, & the Pioneer will only enhance that. What's the point of compensating this imbalance, when it can be entirely avoided with a warm receiver?

Again, I fully agree. And this was hopefully also clear from my post.

depends on which specific range you are referring to - I found the Icepower ones over-warm if anything IMO (I had a SC-LX71)

From that statement, it is difficult for me to believe you have ever heard a 'real' warm receiver? LX71 is among the brightest receivers I have ever tested!


if you are considering the Z7 - how about the 3900 as well (and saving money in the process) ? how much difference is there between the 2 ?

Well, the difference is remarkeble I would say. Apart from the added power of the Z7, there is a huge improvement on the stereo performance and surround effects as well.

This might be more critical when pairing with speakers that are heavy to drive rather than for Monitor Audio though.
Chokobolt:Sorry to interupt this thread, but what exactly does lean mean, when describing audio?
short on bass . is my , er , guess..
My two penneth.

I went with the SC82 simply on a demo, after reading the reviews. I thought it sounded great,Punchy&Clear. but certainly not too bright. To be fair I haven't heard the Z7,. but I do prefer clarity when listening to music especially, so the 82 is perfect for my taste although it is with the RX6 speakers not the RA's(which apparently is brighter). The sound has got better with time too. I consider this to be one of my best purchases.
Mixing different brands don't really matter. The overall performance is due to the player alone, not by matching it with same-branded receiver. Go for the Yamaha if you want to match your AV equipment aesthetically.

Thanks for the tip BigBoss, I think I'll stick with the Z7, it seems to be the safe bet. Aesthetically i think matching all Pioneer AV equipment would be much more stylish
yeah the aesthetic reason is a big consideration to all involved. Difficult but nice choice to make.

Any thoughts on the speaker upgrade? BR5/6 a waste on these amps or go up to RX range?

cheers for your help and opinions guys!
I haven't heard any of the Bronze series. These 2 receivers are quite capable, so if you do have the spare cash, why not upgrade to the RX Silvers. Im sure you wont regret it
My two penneth.

I went with the SC82 simply on a demo, after reading the reviews. I thought it sounded great,Punchy&Clear. but certainly not too bright. To be fair I haven't heard the Z7,. but I do prefer clarity when listening to music especially, so the 82 is perfect for my taste although it is with the RX6 speakers not the RA's(which apparently is brighter). The sound has got better with time too. I consider this to be one of my best purchases.

bigboss -Here is another example.

Thise is exactly what i was talking about from the start -what might sound bright to you , to another sounds (Punchy&Clear) and like some one alse also mentioned earlier in thise thread , sometimes it differ from model to model - and in the LX82 case it,s one of the finest sounding amp. i have heard -and NO iam not saying that only because my focal chorus are warm sounding ,i know a few who has LX82 and MA speakers combination and according to them they works beautyfuly togather. again here u have a statment from another user...
In regards to the Pioneer LX82 and Monitor Audio combination sound "bright", I would have thought this would be ideal for home theatre. After all home theatre should be engaging and slightly foward to grab and draw in the listener yeah? A warmer sounding system would be to a little to polite and dare i say, maybe dull?

My two penneth.

I went with the SC82 simply on a demo, after reading the reviews. I thought it sounded great,Punchy&Clear. but certainly not too bright. To be fair I haven't heard the Z7,. but I do prefer clarity when listening to music especially, so the 82 is perfect for my taste although it is with the RX6 speakers not the RA's(which apparently is brighter). The sound has got better with time too. I consider this to be one of my best purchases.

bigboss -Here is another example.

Thise is exactly what i was talking about from the start -what might sound bright to you , to another sounds (Punchy&Clear) and like some one alse also mentioned earlier in thise thread , sometimes it differ from model to model - and in the LX82 case it,s one of the finest sounding amp. i have heard -and NO iam not saying that only because my focal chorus are warm sounding ,i know a few who has LX82 and MA speakers combination and according to them they works beautyfuly togather. again here u have a statment from another user...

I really don't know why you're arguing on it. Piobob also admits that he hasn't listened to the Yamaha (I have heard them both), & also that he heard the Pioneer with RX6 speakers. Check my previous post that RX6 is the only exception in the Monitor Audio range that works nicely with the Pioneer receivers.


The Monitor Audio RX6 however, can even match with the Pioneer receivers.
Prime Cuts:In regards to the Pioneer LX82 and Monitor Audio combination sound "bright", I would have thought this would be ideal for home theatre. After all home theatre should be engaging and slightly foward to grab and draw in the listener yeah? A warmer sounding system would be to a little to polite and dare i say, maybe dull?

Depends on your listening preferences. I prefer slightly warmer sound which, to me, is more musical.
Didnt mean to start an argument guys.

Had a listen to both amps this morning and i must admit i think i may prefer the pioneer.

Completely personal preference between the two. Everything you guys have said is absolutely right, pioneer sounds a bit bright, yamaha a bit warmer...i just prefer bright i guess, especially for films, the pioneer just seems to edge it with clarity.

Not a bad choice to make i guess. I dont think i would be disappointed with either.

Just need to sort a price and see which comes out better from a value side. I need to change stand anyway due to their size so ill be getting a new one regardless of amp choice so hopefully ill get a decent deal.

Again thanks for your help guys
Didnt mean to start an argument guys.

Had a listen to both amps this morning and i must admit i think i may prefer the pioneer.

Completely personal preference between the two. Everything you guys have said is absolutely right, pioneer sounds a bit bright, yamaha a bit warmer...i just prefer bright i guess, especially for films, the pioneer just seems to edge it with clarity.

Not a bad choice to make i guess. I dont think i would be disappointed with either.

Just need to sort a price and see which comes out better from a value side. I need to change stand anyway due to their size so ill be getting a new one regardless of amp choice so hopefully ill get a decent deal.

Again thanks for your help guys

Nothing like a good row to get the adrenalin flowing

I always find it interesting to read how other people value their sounds.

I guess I'm in the minority of people who prefer my sounds to be on the "brighter"/punchier side, although as Big Boss says the RX's are perfect for the 82.(I'm not bias

I'd be interested to hear the MA RS's with my amp to hear the difference tho
Didnt mean to start an argument guys.

Had a listen to both amps this morning and i must admit i think i may prefer the pioneer.

Completely personal preference between the two. Everything you guys have said is absolutely right, pioneer sounds a bit bright, yamaha a bit warmer...i just prefer bright i guess, especially for films, the pioneer just seems to edge it with clarity.

Not a bad choice to make i guess. I dont think i would be disappointed with either.

Just need to sort a price and see which comes out better from a value side. I need to change stand anyway due to their size so ill be getting a new one regardless of amp choice so hopefully ill get a decent deal.

Again thanks for your help guys

martynsh14 -In the End there is no such thing as perfect in the Hi-Fi world , and iam sure u will be happy with buying anyone of those 2 amp. both of these amp. are great performer but the Pioneer LX-82 is better when it comes to movie's it just got the cinematic edge to it! punch clarity and details, isn,t that what you hear in the cinema ?.... still i woudn,t describe the lx82 as Bright , but ok if my first priority was music , and i want something alittle more liad back and warmer presentaion then maybe i would have picked the Yamaha z7 , BUT realy why bother and buy AVR. in the first place? why not spending that money on a dadicated stereo amp.....Goodluck!
Marco, Im not really interested in the music side. I very rarely use the system for cd's. usually plugging my ipod in is enough for me. i know this isnt the best way but as its so rare i dont see the point in a stereo amp for me.

I wouldnt say iv made my choice but im getting closer. and once everyone involved is convinced i need to do this, ill upgrade.
Marco, Im not really interested in the music side. I very rarely use the system for cd's. usually plugging my ipod in is enough for me. i know this isnt the best way but as its so rare i dont see the point in a stereo amp for me.

I wouldnt say iv made my choice but im getting closer. and once everyone involved is convinced i need to do this, ill upgrade.

martynsh14 -I didn,t mean you about the music part , i was just talking in general for those who prefer more a musical sound presentation rather than cinematic.
no worries mate.

what made you choose the pioneer?

and if you dont mind me asking where and how much did u get it?
marco_1: the Pioneer LX-82 is better when it comes to movie's it just got the cinematic edge to it! punch clarity and details, isn,t that what you hear in the cinema ?.... still i woudn,t describe the lx82 as Bright

Punch, clarity & details.........Pioneer, Yamaha & Denon all have it. I don't think anything is better or worse for it.

Brightness is just a characteristic of a system, not a deficiency, in the same way as a Denon or a Yamaha is warm. If you don't find it bright, well, it's not bright for you. Maybe that's what your ears prefer.


BUT realy why bother and buy AVR. in the first place? why not spending that money on a dadicated stereo amp

Errr.......because a stereo amp is not an AV receiver. I assume you don't watch MTV then.

After gel, you're the next Pioneer fanboy!!
You absolutely love your receiver to bits, don't you?.....just can't tolerate anything remotely against the Pioneer!


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