updating pana v10


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Has anyone done the newest update on there pana v10,i have tried to update it but it goes to 100% then goes back to zero and starts again.
Is there something wrong or is this normal because it done this for 2 houres.but i must confess that i
did turn the tv off(god knows why)when it started to download!!!have i done something serious.
Why are you updating it? What are the benefits of doing so?

I haven't recently, but I think I did so successfully a while ago. I didn't turn the tv off, but if your tv is still working, I would be surprised if it had done 'something serious.'
I have the TX-P42V10B and the whole updating issue is a bit of a mystery.
The manual says barely anything about the updating and what you have to do to get it to work.

I have updated my tv once to 2.011 which fixes the hdmi handshake issue that impacted compatability with onkyo amps.
Strangley this was not done by the update software search as this had failed to find an update even whilst connected to broadband.
But by entering viera cast (still connected by broadband) and hey presto it said there was an update to install and it went ahead and did it.

When attempting to update yesterday as I read that there was a 2.013 update I hooked up the ethernet to my broadband and went into settings and told it too search for an update.
After 5 mins it came back saying that 2.011 was up to date.

There appears to be no information from panasonic about updates and when they are available and what they do.

So are updates via the freeview service or over broadband?
I thought I had read that the G10 could not be updated as it did not have the ethernet capabilities?
So this would suggest that access to broadband must be required?
Hi guys, the update is a freesat up date to stop the darking of the screen when going from ITV sd to ITV HD through freesat(the football is on wed remember champions leage).
I have now found out that some people are having problems updating,a quick call to panasonic customer services and they are sending me a SD card with the update on.


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