Thanks for that link. I watched the video and bought the calibration disc they use (DVE: HD Basics) which was pretty useful. Judging by that disc my TV is overscanning by 2.5% which they say is tolerable, so I guess I'll just have to live with it as I can't afford a pro calibration.
I do have one problem though when using that disc and if anyone on here can help I'd be forever grateful.
I own a Philips 42pf7621d/10 LCD telly and on it, when I try to adjust the colour, I can't get it to work properly.
I look through the supplied blue filter and can get the blues pretty
close to how the disc tells me they should look (a uniform blue screen with 6 black squares). I then look through
the red filter and they are just as good. But when I check through the
green filter I can still see every colour on screen - magenta, yellow,
blue, red etc. They just have a slight green tint to them. According to
the disc I should see the same as with the blue and red filters; a uniform screen with black squares in it.
I have Tint set to Normal, Colour Enhancement set to Medium and Dynamic
Contrast also set to Medium, although having tried changing these it
makes no difference.
Has anyone here got the same TV or run into a similar problem and can maybe point me in the right direction for sorting this?
Any help is greatly appreciated.