landzw:I'm on the line of thinking no one would have done a comparison with the same cable , one with and one without a wattgate , Maybe its something What HiFi could do in the future
There is a guy called Howard Popeck - well known throughout the hi-fi trade - who has run a variety of retail hi-fi outlets over many years. He used to (and maybe still does) make his own range of mains cables called Cassiel. Apart from the very lowest cost one, all the others were to my recollection exactly the same cable - only the wattgate plug on the equipment end changed, from a basic 320 Wattgate through a variety of different contact materials, to some fancy Rhodium plated version by (I think) Furutech. The difference in performance of each Wattgate plug type (in his and his customers' estimation) was significant, and the price of each cable reflected this. Howard is still out there retailing Hi-Fi - whether his cables are I don't know, but he used to be open to home trialling the different variants so you could prove it for yourself.