To Arcam, or not to Arcam


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
What would be best a pair of P25's bi-amped at a cost of £800, or a pair of P1's (mono) at a cost of £1200?

To be used with MA silver 8i's (but will upgrade in the next year) to a £1500-£2000 pair.

would have thought the p1s over the p25s - you should have a look for a pair of p35s to compare aswell should be able to find a pair for somewhere between the two
i run two black p35s with a mf A5 pre amp keep thinking of trading in as had them less than a year but keen to get back to one box - guess your looking second hand? -what pre amp are you going to use?

like for like the p1 should be better but you might be surprised def worth listening to them all if you can
As you can see in my signature, I went down a similar route that the one your considering. 2 arcam stereo power amps will be excellent. However I'm sure the P1s would be in a different league, and if I had the dosh that's the way I'd go. Audition obviously, but why not aim for 2 P1s now, with the option of getting 2 more later if funds ever permit...
Well I have just got the first P25 (£330), and has made an improvement over the 2 NAD's, I will have a good long listen Wednesday and report back (now need to sell my NAD's)


The plan now is to get a 3 channel P75/85 and I just bought a P75 (£120) and will sell my NAD T-973 and use all ARCAM amps. After that add a second P25.

Well I have now had 24 hours with the P25 and one thing jumps straight out- this is much more listenable.

High's, mid's, low's are all integrated much more than with the NAD's, giving a much nicer sound. (makes for better late night listening)

High's are much smoother now and less fatiguing on the ears,making extendid listening much better.

The biggest change I have noticed is that voices are now much clearer, standing out from the music but still part of it. I guess this is due to much more detail and a better defined soundstage.

Now for the down side, the Arcam does not punch as low or as hard as the NAD's (not a surprise going from 300wpc to 100wpc) but what it loses in power it makes up for with rhythem, timing, and speed.

Stereo system is....

TAG Mclaren CD20R VDH D-102 mk3

NAD T-175 HD A/V pre/pro VDH D-102 mk3

Arcam P25 VDH Teatrack

Monitor audio Silver 8i



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