Hi all!
I recently took delivery of a new Thorens TD240 turntable (due to the need for an automatic return function). It has a pleasing warm sound and enough musical clarity for the type of music i listen to (70's/80's rock and pop, electronic, dance, etc.). I noticed though that i've lost a little of the 'soundstage' compared to my outgoing Rega P2 (which i bought in 2003 and had an Ortofon cartridge) and was wondering whether an upgrade in cartridge might help to claw a little soundstage back? The Thorens comes with a TAS267 cartridge (one of their own i think?)
I Would appreciate your thoughts on whether this might make a difference and if so, could anybody be able to reccommend a suitable cartridge for upto £150?
(p.s. due to me listening ad buying much more vinyl i am trying to widen my choice of music and now delving into some jazz and classical).
Thanks! 🙂
I recently took delivery of a new Thorens TD240 turntable (due to the need for an automatic return function). It has a pleasing warm sound and enough musical clarity for the type of music i listen to (70's/80's rock and pop, electronic, dance, etc.). I noticed though that i've lost a little of the 'soundstage' compared to my outgoing Rega P2 (which i bought in 2003 and had an Ortofon cartridge) and was wondering whether an upgrade in cartridge might help to claw a little soundstage back? The Thorens comes with a TAS267 cartridge (one of their own i think?)
I Would appreciate your thoughts on whether this might make a difference and if so, could anybody be able to reccommend a suitable cartridge for upto £150?
(p.s. due to me listening ad buying much more vinyl i am trying to widen my choice of music and now delving into some jazz and classical).
Thanks! 🙂