The vinyl revival continues! WH Smith stores will start selling records again

A new just released Focus album called "12" available. Good for instrumental sound with vinyl LP record player.
The high street retailer is to stock vinyl again in 80 stores, after dropping the format in the 90s.

The vinyl revival continues! WH Smith stores will start selling records again : Read more
When anyone truly understands the whole story with vinyl, and I do mean the entire story, not just the way that headlines and certain statistics are presented, then anyone will appreciate that, yes, a slab of vinyl is nice, but it is heading into oblivion and the future of how music is heard is heading away from it at pace. I'm old and I don't even bother anymore with records. For more reasons than I care to think about. nobody can say for sure when records/vinyl will fade from view completely, but if you know the real truth about current vinyl sales and all of the ins and outs of how sales/statistics are presented worldwide, then I can tell you this. The smallest fraction of the entire industry is now vinyl orietated. It makes great and rose tinted headlines for sure, but that is all it is. My hope is that music continues to be a valued art form. Although the BBC and their lack of interest in it by and large suggests otherwise. Anyone remember Andrew Marr. He managed to shoehorn PJ Harvey and The Spitfires on to the end of his political show a number of years ago. All we get now is the current host, clonking her way around the set as she cannot sit still and believes that walking everywhere must be the new rock'n'roll.😞


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