The Recent WHF Denon Ceol N8 Review

I notice the Denon Ceol N7 got 5 stars and the Denon Ceol N8 4 stars, so between these models have they changed the main audio circuits in some way, and also how close is the sound quality of this unit compared to the new Marantz MCR610, which I presume is "just" short of being as good according to the review ?
Snooker said:
I notice the Denon Ceol N7 got 5 stars and the Denon Ceol N8 4 stars, so between these models have they changed the main audio circuits in some way, and also how close is the sound quality of this unit compared to the new Marantz MCR610, which I presume is "just" short of being as good according to the review ?

i bet they are even made in the same factory !
Has anybody else got any comments to the points I raised

Its just I have a Denon Ceol N8 and was just curious to the above points I have raised, thanks
Chebby yes you are right as I have no problem with my system

Its just most of us like the best we can buy within a certain price range and I bought the Denon Ceol N8 as I did not think the sound difference would be much at all betwen the two units (and bought the Denon Ceol N8 as it looked better than the MCR610), and am just trying to get verification about that I suppose, but then again the review did say that it only just falls a little short so that has I suppose already answered my own question

Its just when they compared the Denon Ceol N7 with your model the Marantz MCR603 they were virtually equal except your system was a little more punchier (but both got 5 stars), its just mainly the fact that my system did not get the full 5 stars this time like its previous model the Denon Ceol N7 and as my system is around £100 cheaper than the MCR610, as I also understand with reviews that price is taken into account as well

I am very happy with my system, but just giving my above opinions thats all


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