Tell you what I saw today

Is that the one that acts as a DAC too, with a switch to change between flat, PRaT, warm and cold? Good idea, that. Especially in the hot weather.
Has a USB in I think, yeah, though dunno about switchable sounds. Looked hewn from a solid block of aluminium, with neat engraved name - and it was definitely less than 30cm deep...
Yes I looked too (to see what the rest of the lineup looked like). Investigations elsewhere though suggest that an 8200CDQ plus a power amp looks like an interesting setup...
There was talk of an Audiolab DAC. (Standalone one without beermat spinner nailed into it.)

It was supposed to rival the Naim DAC at well under half the price.
Yeah, it's the DQ I think - or maybe that's a DAC/preamp? Though I like to keep disc-playing ability, and with the CD's digital inputs for an AX or Squeezebox, that's quite a tidy setup.


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