Tannoy Revolution DC6T SE Speakers


New member
Dec 12, 2012
Has anyone heard these speakers?

Are they like KEF R500/700/900 in the sense of UNI-Q idea?

Which amps are better match for these sepakers?


Ketan Bharadia

New member
Jun 7, 2007
We're big fans of these Tannoys. They're entertaining in a way few rivals can match. As to what amp works best with them we've had good results with Rega's Brio-R, Cyrus's 6a/8a, Heed's Obelisk, Roksan's Caspian M2. Haven't tried them with Naim's Nait, but would expect it to work well. The choice depends on the flavour of sound you want.


New member
Dec 12, 2012
Thanks Ketan

Can you tell me how they are compared to KEF's R500, R700?

Will CREEK 5350 do with the TANNOYS'


New member
Oct 1, 2008
I am a big fan as well. If you are looking at the R Series from KEF you would be wise to consider the Precision range - the next step up from the DC6t-se. The DC6Tse is fair competition for the R500 but for the R700's you would need to consider the Precisions. As always listening in a properly set up demonstration is key.


New member
Dec 12, 2012
TheHomeCinemaCentre said:
I am a big fan as well. If you are looking at the R Series from KEF you would be wise to consider the Precision range - the next step up from the DC6t-se. The DC6Tse is fair competition for the R500 but for the R700's you would need to consider the Precisions. As always listening in a properly set up demonstration is key.

Am I wrong in syaing that the only difference between the R500 and R700 is the size of the bass speakers and nothing else?

Why do you say I must UPGRADE into the PRECISION range? Can you tell me, if possible, the difference/what you mean?



Well-known member
Mar 1, 2013
I have my Tannoy dc6t se hooked up on a yamaha micro system (mcr810e) and listening

mainly spotify through a squeezebox classic. No external dac and cheap diy market audio cables.

They work absolutely great! Voices are so realistic and bass lines so warm, deep and wel defined.

I really can't imagine how a more expensive system will give a more than subtle improvement on what

i've got right now. I never crank the volume to pain thresshold levels though...

Beth Gibbons, Anthony & the ShlongJohns... It's the music that matters! Enjoy :)


New member
Apr 29, 2012

I have the option to buy this second hand. I have no way audition them first. From what I read in reviews, I think this speakers has a sound that I can like. My concern is how much space this speakers need around them. If they are rearported, how much distance will they need to backwall? Would they be comfortable in a small room with 20-30 cm from backwall?


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Ketan Bharadia said:
We're big fans of these Tannoys. They're entertaining in a way few rivals can match. As to what amp works best with them we've had good results with Rega's Brio-R, Cyrus's 6a/8a, Heed's Obelisk, Roksan's Caspian M2. Haven't tried them with Naim's Nait, but would expect it to work well. The choice depends on the flavour of sound you want.

Interesting I bought the Tannoys and Cyrus 6a on recommendation; however too bright bordering on shrill IMHO. So much so Ive had to dampen the tweeters with material under the grills. To say I was disapointed is an understatement. My advise would be listen to as many combos as you can and make a decision based on that. It took me 6 months listening to most combos only to make a snap decision that I am now regretting.Good Luck


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2013

I have these (with 'just' a NAD C326Bee) My advice: buy the Tannoy's!

If you rather don't like to compare hifi equipment (I don't): buy the Tannoy's! ;-)

My personal experience:

The dc6t's are wonderfully balanced, have lot's of enthousiasm. For me, they hit the sweet spot. Very easy to drive too, you really do not need

an expensive amp. Mid range is superb: voices are perfectly rendered.

They are maybe best with 'high quality' acoustic music, pure instruments and voices.... But handle dance, rock, pop... just as well.

Regarding to placement, they aren't picky. The manual tells to put them at least 50cm from the wall, but to adjust to own findings.

My findings:

- 10cm from wall gives a little bit more bass without becoming bothersome or boomy.

- 50cm from wall gives a little less bass and a more airy soundstage.

For me the sweet spot is 20 à 30 cm, a little more direct sound and full but thight lowrange (slight emphasis on bass)

Make sure to avoid resonances when placing them at a certain distance to the wall.

(But if you'd rather listen to equipment than music then my advice woud be; don't buy them, one will keep changin' equipment and never get
to the music itself. Here's a piece on the gear aqcuisition syndrome. It's about photography but one can apply it to hifi just as well: http://www.f-stopeight.com/the-self-talk-retorts-of-an-ex-gear-addict-how-i-started-breaking-free-from-gas/)

@Alpne: try connecting your ipod directly on the amp (or on a cheaper one), it will sound less harsh.

Good luck.


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