System sounds better at night


New member
Apr 29, 2008
Got a nice quiet day today to listen to some music.
But i cant help noticing that the music seems to sound its best to me late at night. Not hugely but slightly clearer and more enjoyable ?
I am not totally sure why but i guess may be a combination of :

The world has gone quiet so it just promotes better listening
My ears are just at their optimum listening experience when the day is almost over
The mains supply is being used less and so you get a better quality sound (so i have heard)
My system simply likes the nighttime 🙂

Just a strange observation but one that generally holds true it seems for me.
It's not an unknown phenomenon, and I reckon all of the above may well play some part in the equation. Plus the fact that light levels tend to be lower so there's less visual stimulus to occupy the major part of your brain's processing power, meaning you're better able to listen.
The Mains supply is cleaner with less noise put on it from other properties.
Gives you a taste of what mains conditioning can do.
Andrew Everard:It's not an unknown phenomenon, and I reckon all of the above may well play some part in the equation. Plus the fact that light levels tend to be lower so there's less visual stimulus to occupy the major part of your brain's processing power, meaning you're better able to listen.

My thoughts exactly, and if one takes light as matter maybe at night there's more air for your speakers to push around as well.

Edit: I'm talking specifically at night with the lights out.
manicm:...and if one takes light as matter maybe at night there's more air for your speakers to push around as well.

If light were matter then (using a Lorentz transformation) light would have infinite mass due to travelling at the speed of light (of course) so all this would be academic as your house, your hifi, you, the budgie, and everything would have disappeared into a giant black hole!


As you can see, if the velocity V of the mass (in your brand of light) is equal to C (speed of light) then V squared / C squared = 1.

The square root of 1 - 1 (square root of zero) is zero.

So the Mass divided by zero = infinity (as is anything divided by zero).


A reference....
Now chebby's after reading your solution, i think i have to go along with John and pour another drink while i try and figure why my head is spinning
Mr Steve:Now chebby's after reading your solution, i think i have to go along with John and pour another drink while i try and figure why my head is spinning

Cin cin...
Id agree with Trev'

Theres a LOT more going on throughout the country during the day to add 'mains noise' (I also find that freeview looks generally far better at night)
manicm:...and if one takes light as matter maybe at night there's more air for your speakers to push around as well.

If light were matter then (using a Lorentz transformation) light would have infinite mass due to travelling at the speed of light (of course) so all this would be academic as your house, your hifi, you, the budgie, and everything would have disappeared into a giant black hole!


As you can see, if the velocity V of the mass (in your brand of light) is equal to C (speed of light) then V squared / C squared = 1.

The square root of 1 - 1 (square root of zero) is zero.

So the Mass divided by zero = infinity (as is anything divided by zero).


A reference....

I did physics A level and have no clue what that equation means. Its true what they say about forgetting everything if you dont use it...
It is a simple relativistic equation demonstrating how mass will increase as velocity V increases. Tiny amounts of increase even at what we consider high velocities but when V tends towards the spead of light C then the mass starts increasing dramatically.

Because of mass/energy equivalence the same formula works for E instead of M. (Big accelerators like those at CERN exploit this by using circuits of huge magnets to accelerate streams of sub-atomic particles to velocities approaching the speed of light. In the process they gain enormous amounts of energy. Colliding them into a target releases the energy in the form of different particle 'debris' tracks in a detector. This is how things like Quarks were discovered.)

A muon (highly energetic proton) is an example. Usually only detected from cosmic rays. Even a nuclear explosion does not generate enough energy to create Muons. Cosmic rays hit particles in the atmosphere and these particles achieve speeds close to the speed of light and have so much energy they can even bury themselves tens of meters into dense rock.

A similar transformation demonstrates how time intervals get longer at velocity V (to a static observer) compared to the same time intervals when at rest. (Time dilation experiments with travelling atomic clocks in airliners compared to static atomic clocks on the ground have proved this.)
It is a simple relativistic equation demonstrating how mass will increase as velocity V increases. Tiny amounts of increase even at what we consider high velocities but when V tends towards the spead of light C then the mass starts increasing dramatically.

Because of mass/energy equivalence the same formula works for E instead of M.

A similar transformation demonstrates how time intervals get longer at velocity V (to a static observer) compared to the same time intervals when at rest. (Time dilation experiments with travelling atomic clocks in airliners compared to static atomic clocks on the ground have proved this.)

I just get drunk. Sounds great.
Below is what I posted on another thread on the Accesssories Forum but Hi Fi forum members may find it useful or strange:

Sorry for this long post..... Did a bit more research this afternoon and some people say mains conditioning (apart from "cleaning" dirty mains supply to remove as much interference from other properties nearby and any electrical applicances in the house etc), also lowers the "noise floor" and gives more "headroom". Vague concepts to me! And that if one already has fairly "clean" mains to start off with, then mains conditioning may not necessarily make the music sound too different in terms of tonal balance, soundstage, detail etc, and it may only make the music sound a little more dynamic.... so far so good. Those who have read my earlier posts know that I live in a quiet village and I believe I have fairly clean mains because I cannot really tell any difference between my old Tacima mains condiitoning extension block (rrp £30) and my "ebay special" Isotek GII Mini-sub (rrp £550) after two evenings of A/B testing. (note - the Tacima did make a difference compared to my old cheapo extension block so I was comparing the Tacima with the Isotek).

After doing the above research, I tried the A/B testing again to see if I notice more "dynamic" music with the Isotek.... Well, was I surprised !! I didn't really notice any better dynamics (which is a pretty vague concept to me anyway), but what I noticed was something I was not expecting or indeed looking out for -- using the Isotek resulted in better sound than the Tacima:- tighter, punchier bass, more details in the mid-range and sweeter treble, but not a huge difference. Then I began scratching my head because the difference was noticeable, especially in quieter passages in Dians Krall's piano ballards, and I wondered why I did not pick up the difference in the last two evenings <---- a clue here.

Then !! I identified the only material differences between the separate testing sessions -- whilst I had the washing machine, tumble dryer and dishwasher running in the utility room this afternoon, and neighbours were cutting grass, using pressure washer to wash cars etc, none of these things were happening during my evening test sessions. So why did the music sound better with the Isotek this afternoon when it should really sound worse with the outside ambient noise and electrical appliances working overtime? The only conclusion I can draw from this paradox is that the Tacima can only "clean" so much electrical noise (say for example up to 2 on a scale of 1 to 10), but the Isotek can do it up to say 8 on the same scale. And when the mains noise levels in the evening test sessions were lower due to absence of all the above electrical appliances or people nearby using lots of electrical equipment, the Tacima can cope and did just as well as the Isotek. But when the mains noise levels were, I imagine, materially higher earlier this afternoon, the Isotek stepped up to the plate while the Tacima did not do as well, hence revealing up noticeable differences in resultant sound quality between the two!

The above ties up generally with what some posters were saying on another thread as to why music appear to sound better at night - less electrical noise being one factor. I will post this on that thread as well. That is my two penny's worth as they say, YMMV!!

PS. Before other posters tell me it is all snake-oil/placebo effect and I am deaf, let me just say that I am someone who would not normally express an opinion (or dismiss other people's opinion) on something unless I have had personal experience of it, or experimented with it. In other words, I do not normally express an opinion based on "objective theory", I always try to base it on personal experience. I shall now run and hide.....
I think it is just our instinct kicking in. Night time means more danger from predators, we are more alert and our senses go into ovredrive making us more receptive. Until we fall asleep that is!
chebby: It is a simple relativistic equation demonstrating how mass will increase as velocity V increases......

.....A similar transformation demonstrates how time intervals get longer at velocity V (to a static observer) compared to the same time intervals when at rest.

Therefore I was right to give up jogging as it made me heavier and caused me to go back in time. So I am better off staying at home and listening to my music which sounds better at night because I am in a more rested state than when I am out jogging. Excellent


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