System Advice Required


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Is there a generic name for the hifi systems that record from a CD player / DAB radio onto an internal hard disk? I'm looking for such a system but don't know what to look for. I'm aware of the following systems but I'm sure there must be loads more (or are they not very popular?)...

Sony Giga Juke
Bose Lifestyle 38/48 (too pricey)
Brennan JB7

The Sony Giga Juke looks quite good on paper but heard that the library software isn't very user friendly (which I can believe judging from my Sony MP3 player). Has anyone any experience / recommendations please? I'm not looking for any multi-room functions.
Hi Decky

The Brennan seems to be a blockbuster. It is not multi-room and does not have all this kind of excesses we observe in most systems (whith skyrocketed prices of course) and what is offer is super usefull - rapidly copying CDs to the HD, reproduction of CDs/DVDs, a decent amplifier etc. Besides it comes from a small inovative company from Cambridge Technology Park, a fact which can be seen as credential to their novel ideas turned to successful products.
Many thanks for the advice xtsili, I'll certainly give it a good look!



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