Synology 213J Clicks and Pops


New member
Apr 22, 2011
I was going along with everything working perfectly, and then last night I started getting some clicks and pops when using Audio Station. When I use Macbook/Itunes/Audirvana with the NAS then via optical to the NAD D3020, I don't get them. If I use the USB directly from the NAS to the NAD, that's when it happens. It sounds just like a bad record and it happens quite frequently. Any thoughts on what might be happening? Thanks!
Not yet--it wil be a weekend project. The good thing is that I've got other options for getting the music off the NAS, so it's not the worst thing that could happen. But, it's a mystery why it suddenly started happening.

How's your new NAS working out? Still copying files?
Hello, I have a synology 112J connected to an AV receiver Onkyo 818 via ethernet. I found that the sound was not as good as used to be with my iPod so I was looking for ways to improve sound. One possibility was to try to connect via USB instead of ethernet and try to use the equalizer of audiostation. I went to a shop and they did not have any USB cable for "male" to "male" that would allow me to connect the NAS to the AVR. Then, in addition the guy in the shop also mentioned that normally the USB ports have "electricity" therefore if you connect a USB port with electricity to another USB port to electricity it may not be good idea. From that moment I did not continue searching but I have doubt that the guy was right. What kind of cable are you using? I would appreciate it very much if you could point me to a similar cable in Amazon or ebay or something so I can see it. Is it ok then to connect the NAS to the amp via USB?

Other questions:

When you use the USB to NAD can you navigate through your library with your NAD?

Have you tried using the ethernet from your rooter to the NAD?

npoguy said:
How's your new NAS working out? Still copying files?

It's assembled but that's about it so far. Been busy so waiting till the weekend. And I wanted to finish ripping my cds first; got a pile of about 145+ discs to go and then it's just classical which can wait...shall treat them as a separate project.

Hope you resolve your problem. It would bug the c*** out of me so good luck with it. 🙂
rendu said:
Hello, I have a synology 112J connected to an AV receiver Onkyo 818 via ethernet. I found that the sound was not as good as used to be with my iPod so I was looking for ways to improve sound. One possibility was to try to connect via USB instead of ethernet and try to use the equalizer of audiostation. I went to a shop and they did not have any USB cable for "male" to "male" that would allow me to connect the NAS to the AVR. Then, in addition the guy in the shop also mentioned that normally the USB ports have "electricity" therefore if you connect a USB port with electricity to another USB port to electricity it may not be good idea. From that moment I did not continue searching but I have doubt that the guy was right. What kind of cable are you using? I would appreciate it very much if you could point me to a similar cable in Amazon or ebay or something so I can see it. Is it ok then to connect the NAS to the amp via USB?

Other questions:

When you use the USB to NAD can you navigate through your library with your NAD?

Have you tried using the ethernet from your rooter to the NAD?

I'm using this cable from monoprice to connect

I haven't had any issues with USB until lately and it's just an annoying pop--sound is otherwise great :cry: I'm going to spend time thIs weekend figuring out what's going on.

i have the NAD D3020, so it doesn't have Ethernet connectivity. I just use the Synology Audio Station or itunes out of my MacBook to control.
Thanks for the link, in my case it would have to be A male to A male. Still concerned about the "electricity" comment from the shop assistant regarding USB to USB connection. Would be great if someone could clarify whether this could be an issue. Hope you manage to fix your issue.
I really don't understand the electricity comment. Was it about sound quality or safety? Isn't that true of many USB connections, i.e. computer to back up drive? I can't imagine any issues with it. BTW, if you're in the US, look at Monoprice for your cables--they have everything at and at great prices.
It was more about safety, normally USB connector has power, ex you can connect IPOD to a USB and it charges. In this case the iPod is passive and only receives power. The concern was basically that if you connect 2 USB output with power together, could this damage any of the components?
Got it.

I don't see the need for concern about this particular issue. As I noted above, there are a whole host of powered products that are connected by USB and, unless I've overlooked it, I've never seen a warning about possible damage. In fact, a lot of people connecting a computer to an amp or DAC are using USB and I've never heard about about safety issues (definitely different opinions on sound quality!). I don't want to steer you the wrong direction, but this would not be something I'd worry about.
No. I changed one of the NAS settings for USB connections and the pops are far less frequent, but they are still there. However, I've been busy on the weekends, so I really haven't had time seriously try to fix it. If it continues, I'll either use my airplay connection or use the optical out from my MacBook. It's just the USB from the NAS that has the issue.
Thanks - I'm probably going to go with Sonos Connect which will solve other problems as well.


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