Uunfortunately, someone at samsung is giving you some bad info which is probably why you can't find it anywhere else. I have a S25 Ultra with all the latest updates and like every other Samsung they have not enabled anything beyond basic aptx as you can see in developer options. My Aptx Adaptive headphones do not play in Aptx Adaptive.
You have Samsung's latest SSC which can do up to 24/32 bits and 96 kHz sample with their ear buds but other than that it's LDAC or nada. No LHDC or LC3 either.
So unless they're planning on enabling it which they've never done on a galaxy to date, (the hardware can do it) they don't appear to be. I would hazard a guess they don't want to undermine their SSC codec which is also adaptive/pay licensing fees when they have their own adaptive codec.