Streaming 96kHz / 24 bit Recordings Over a Wireless Network


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am looking for a way to stream high-resolution recordings (e.g. the 96kHz / 24 bit downloads that are available from Linn Records) from my MacBook Pro computer (using iTunes, if possible) over a wireless network and into the optical input on my CD player (which can be used as a DAC for external digital sources).

It seems that the optical outputs from the Apple TV and AirPort Express are limited to 44.1kHz / 16 bit resolution, so they don't fit the bill.

What devices would be suitable for this purpose?

(I believe that the Linn DS range would work, but I would prefer to avoid spending quite so much on devices that include high quality DACs when I will be using the very decent DAC that I already have in my CD player.)

I'd be most grateful for any recommendations or suggestions!

Thanks .... 
chebby:Slight problem if you want to stream the Linn Records 24/96 stuff from iTunes.....

Yes, I realise that the Linn 24/96 files can't be directly imported into iTunes, but it is possible to convert FLAC to AIFF or Apple Lossless (using something like the Max utility), which iTunes supports. ÿI've tried this, and it seems to work OK.

But, in any event, I'd be happy to use different software for the streaming, if that enables me to get this working (without spending over £1,000 on something like the Squeezebox Transporter or one of the Linn DS devices).


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