plastic penguin said:
If I had said I was going to audition a Electrocompaniet EC1-3 or a Caspian M2, would it of created as much negative response? I very much doubt it.
Stop evading the point.
You clearly stated (and I quoted you earlier) that you were going to ...
"hear whether they justify all the recent hype"
"see if these bunch of guys are right or not".
Stop squirming please.
My objection was not related to brands or even valve technology. It was to your arrogance in saying you were going to decide - from your demo - if people are right to like it or not and whether their enthusiasm is 'hype'.
How would you like it if Floyd, for example, announced he had arranged a Leema demo to see if your amp 'stacked up' or not. To see if you were right or not, and to test whether your enthusiasm for Leema was hype?