Sat listening 'casually' to whatever is next on shuffle, and I am constantly becoming distracted by the music emanating from my speakers. My system has been to my ears pretty good for some time now, but in its current state I am genuinely deeply impressed with what I am hearing on every track. There have been wow moments like this before, but none so obvious or maybe even as great, and so satisfyingly about the music. In the past I would be constantly trying out different disc as if to try to cram them all in one session, and ever really sit down and just listen to the music for its own sake.Even after a period of ownership, I would still often listen to the sound, and not the music, but this time I am listening to all sorts of tracks that I have never heard before and really enjoying most of them! I really don't want to present myself as some kind of reformed smoker PC music convert, and bear in mind that most of the time I admit I can't hear much difference if any at all between cables, let alone which direction they point.
Maybe it's because I just didn't expect such a quality of sound from a plastic computer and therefore am not the slightest bit interested in it as hi fi hardware (other than to deglitch software and optimise it) means I am just left to listen. If so, then the whole PC route has been something of a cathartic process in sonic terms, however in this new found contentedness it almost seems churlish to analyse it any more than simply b***** hell that sounds good! Think I shall celebrate this ephemeral happiness with some of the Black Stuff!
Maybe it's because I just didn't expect such a quality of sound from a plastic computer and therefore am not the slightest bit interested in it as hi fi hardware (other than to deglitch software and optimise it) means I am just left to listen. If so, then the whole PC route has been something of a cathartic process in sonic terms, however in this new found contentedness it almost seems churlish to analyse it any more than simply b***** hell that sounds good! Think I shall celebrate this ephemeral happiness with some of the Black Stuff!