Spotify via Yamaha RX V3900


New member
Aug 10, 2019
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Hi, I have a quick question as I am not very technically minded. Is there anyway that I can output Spotify through my RXV3900? I have my RXV3900 connected to my router and my laptop is connected via wireless if that helps. Thanks in advance.

John Duncan

Well-known member
Might not be directly, since presume that the Yamaha is looking for a uPnP or DLNA server. You might have to get an airport express and airfoil, but I'll have a look to see if there's a server that can play whatever audio is on on the PC.


Thank you for the link, I will give it a go when my little boy goes to bed tonight.


The Yamaha connects to whatever Windows Media Player has in it's library I think...I might have a bash at this myself later as I was just ponderign thesame question. A cable from the laptop to the Amp, such as an optical out isn't really far too many cables already!


JohnDuncan:Try this

Well I've installed this Jamcast server and I haven't had any luck getting Spotify to work

Mind has solved a different problem. Previously I could only stream .mp3 and .wma files. I had a load of .flac files and was dreading the prospect of having to convert them. The RX-V3900 connects to both Jamcast and Windows Media Player, but can play the flacs through Jamcast. Jamcast also seems much quicker at discovering new files and making them available to the reciever. This was always a bit hit and miss with Media Player.

The Yamaha manual is absolutely zero help with anything other than media player, but Jamcast was actually really simple to install. It all worked straight away and adding more folders with music is much easier now.


Now it works!!

After a bit more perseverance I've found how to work this.

Once you have installed Jamcast go back to the RX-V3900

Select PC/MCX as source

You should see Jamcast as an Option - Select this

Go to "my Music Collection"

Go to "Browse Playlists"

Go to "Virtual Soundcard"

Then Select "Virtual Soundcard"

It should now play anything your PC is playing...Open Spotify, play something, sit back and enjoy!

Looks like it converts the media on the fly to MP3, not sure what quality though,may have to mess about with file settings. Be careful, if you do anything else on the PC at the same time it will also send this to your don't play any games, or stream any video the audio of which you don't want played at the same time.

At the moment the Beta is free, but it may become a commercial product at some point. FIll your boots and enjoy while you can!


Is this all done wirelessly?

My Lx81 amp isnt connected to a router. Can I still play spotify songs via my amp?


For this method to work, your amp has to be on the same network as your doesn't matter if it is wired or wireless.

My RX-V3900 is wired to my broadband router. I think there is a maybe a wireless module I could buy for the amp, but they are both next to each other, so just as easy and quicker. My laptop connects wirelessly to the router, and therefor the rest of my network and the web via this method

There is very, very little setup. Download Jamcast, register it...tell it the folders you want your music taken from and it will find them all very easily including flac (tested) and Ogg apparently (untested). The Amp saw the Jamcast application as a Music Server automatically and if I had known where the virtual soundcard option was the first I tried it (see instructions for Yamaha amp above) then I would have had the whole thing downloaded, installed, configured and running, streaming and Spotify in about 10 minutes tops


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