spendor sa1 vs wilson benesch sq1??


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Hi all, just wondering if it s fair to make a direct comparaison between those two speakers.I heard them both, but not neck to neck and a bit of time in between auditions.Both i loved, not much bottom end but don t see that as a problem for me..I did not auditioned them with my gear either(cyrus pre xpd and 8 power) bu ttried both the sa1 and sq1 witth naim xs amp.A bit of price difference betweem them and i think i refered the sq1 but not sure anymore, hahasha,so any views on bioth would be great thnks..
I like the Square Two's, but didn't get on woth the Square One's. Usually, certain characteristics continue through a range, but the One's just didn't seem to have anything that the Two's had. The Two's were a little fussy as to what music sounded good on them, but I found that not much suited the One's at all. Others might have a different experience, but that was mine.

The SA1's a great little speaker, and works very well with Cyrus. Overall, I'd prefer these, but I'd also throw in the ProAc D1 into the mix. Fantastic little speaker.
I indeed did like the sa1 a lot but also liked the sq1.The problem is that there was a 3 week gap between audition so i had to really remember the sound of sa1, not even sure if human brain is capable of doin g such comparaison after such a longtime..

what suprises me is that the sq1 won a what hifi group test over the atc19, and the mighty b&w 805s a few years back .I did audition my gear with the old 805s and i really enjoyed them.Quite prepared to fork out 1600pds for speakers but not quite so keen for the price of new 805d...
I know which I'd choose between SCM19's and Square Ones!
St pierre, if you can't decide between them it probably means you weren't convinced by either, and trusting the opinions of others isn't going to help, particularly for soeakers.

I'd re-audition, plus throw a few other brands into the mix - Opera, Vienna Acoustics, Chario, Canton, Totem, Dynaudio etc and see if there's one that says "buy me" amongst them. If you don't, you may be left feeling faintly dissatisfied and end up spending more.

Yes, it may make the auditioning process longer, but, on the other hand you'll probably keep them longer, too.
Hi mate and thanks for replying.That is indeed a very good point you make.I never thought of it like that but it s true.I was in a rush to buy new speakers but now i think i will try and audition more brands and wait for the tand out ones..thanks
Sounds like you should audition the Harbeth P3ESR if you can.
Went through the same dilema myself a few months ago. Now Im the proud owner of the proac d1's. Listened to the SA1's and to my ears the proacs were more of an all rounder.

Had a look at the ATC's and thy never got past the women of the house as they were for my system in the bedroom, and the ATC's are seriously ugly!!

Trust me, go audition or get a home demo, but whichever pair of speakers you choose, they will be a great enhancement to your system.
Went through the same dilema myself a few months ago. Now Im the proud owner of the proac d1's. Listened to the SA1's and to my ears the proacs were more of an all rounder.

Had a look at the ATC's and thy never got past the women of the house as they were for my system in the bedroom, and the ATC's are seriously ugly!!

Trust me, go audition or get a home demo, but whichever pair of speakers you choose, they will be a great enhancement to your system.

Hi potboyslim

I've said it over the last five years that ATC's Entry Series monitors are functional in their look/styling. There are many better looking/styled and finished speakers available from their competitors. To be fair ATC have made a concerted effort with the overall presentation of the Entry Series monitors as i feel they would rather offer the truly stunning (in my view) professional look.

Having said all this the real work of art from these the Old School Engineers lies past behind the baffle. Looking past the externals of ATC's monitors reveals their true beauty with (in particular) their technologically advanced, low distortion, massive and precisely hand built state of the art drive units.

Never judge a book by its cover.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
I didnt judge it like that, but when the lady of the house tells me "You dont have a F-in chance of getting them in the bedroom" then I have to bow to what she says lol