Speakers - what to do?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm looking to buy the Marantz PM6003 and CD6003 to replace my ageing Denon PM250 and Sony CDP XE300. I can get these as a package with Wharfedale Diamond 10.1 speakers for about £600 or without for £500. I currently have bi-wired Mission M60iSE's - do I keep the Missions or go for the Wharfedales? The obvious answer is a listening test but I can't see me carting the Missions into town!

Any advice welcomed!

I would take the £500 deal and use your current speakers until such time as you can afford speakers that are absolutely right for you (not just part of a convenient package deal).

I am sure the Marantz gear can do justice to much better speakers than the Wharfedales.
Chebby, Many thanks for the advice. The majority of my listening will be with headphones so it's not a major issue, but if there was going to be a significant improvement sound-wise I may have considered it!



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