speakers up to £300 to partner with BK elec xls 200


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, as you may know ive been looking into spending around £500 on some new speakers to go with my pioneer A300-R precision amp (35wpc?) and have decided to order the bk sub today, however my budget has slightly expanded, so now i have a little more to spend on speakers. i do not mind stand mounters or floorstanders but obviously if i get speakers which need stands they will have to be cheeper to factor in the cost of stands.

so yeh whats my best bet, i have a wide wide taste in music, but what i want from these speakers is good mid and top as the sub will fill in the low end

again thank-you for your brilliant quick replys 🙂
It blows your budget but have you considered the very highly rated EB Acoustics EB1 RRP £470. Plus you'll prob need to shell out circa £70 for some stands.

Don't discount the wharefedale diamond 10.1's. Only £200 RRP plus £70 for stands but gorgeous. and may be all you need.


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