Speakers for Yamaha AS1000


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi All, hopefully you can help me?!
I am currently flirting with the Yamaha AS1000, I admit that I have fallen for it's looks and build quality and will probably end up buying the matching CD player as well despite having a perfectly good NAD player already. I currently have a set of Mission M5i loudspeakers but feel I will need to upgrade to get the best out of the new Amp. I was considering the Kef iq5se speakers but would welcome suggestions from people more expert than myself! Build quality and styling is, I'm afraid, as important to me as the sound quality!
Any suggestions for possible good deals on the Yamaha kit would be welcome as well! Cheers
Bloomin' good ones!

Spend at least the same on the speakers as you are going to spend on the amp. (£740 ish?)

ATC SCM 11 if you can stretch to them. (And good stands.)
Thanks for the advice, do you think these these speakers will be able to "fill" a large room?
From what I heard last weekend (six hours of a friend's new ATC SM11's + Primare i30) yes.

But I only used them as an example to illustrate the point that you should be looking to buy really good speakers (as good as you can afford) for the Yamaha amp.
serge r:Hi All, hopefully you can help me?!
I am currently flirting with the Yamaha AS1000, I admit that I have fallen for it's looks and build quality and will probably end up buying the matching CD player as well despite having a perfectly good NAD player already. I currently have a set of Mission M5i loudspeakers but feel I will need to upgrade to get the best out of the new Amp. I was considering the Kef iq5se speakers but would welcome suggestions from people more expert than myself! Build quality and styling is, I'm afraid, as important to me as the sound quality!
Any suggestions for possible good deals on the Yamaha kit would be welcome as well! Cheers

I bought the B&W CM7s. I thought they had great synergy with the amp, not to mention the wooden side panels match the light wood speaker tone...stunning sound and looks
Of course, I would agree with chebby in that you should spend an equal or greater amount on the speakers than the amp in order to gain considerable returns on your investment.

Most importantly browse forums, read reviews on the amp and speakers you feel you like. Try and audition before you buy, this way you buy on what you hear as opposed to what you have heard.

Bear in mind, the Yamaha is smooth and warm sounding, best matchin with speakers that need to be tamed, try bright speakers rather than equally smooth sounding speakers, all about the synergy.

...isn't it just lovely looking?
I know, it's a bit stupid that I am basing a whole new system on the fact that I like the look of the amp but I am a sucker for design!!ÿ
Would the Monitor Audio RX6's be worth considering as well?
By the way, does anyone know where I could go in London that would stock the Yamaha kit as well as a decent selection of suitable speakers as mentioned above, I only seem to find stockists of the Yamaha or good speakers, not both!


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