speakers for limited wall space


New member
Aug 10, 2019
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decided to bring my main concerns for my speakers to a separate post!

I have a 3.2m x 5m room but only 2.1m width of wall for speaker placement (the 5m includes a walkway and full glass windows along its length so there is no way I can put my speakers against it)

Assuming I have to choose between Tannoy DC4T and DC6T to work with Denon 2310 for playing music most of the time, which makes more sense with the space? In Singapore, they cost S$2K and S$2.5K respectively.

The Tannoys are the only floor standers not made in China that I MAY be able to afford, and can maybe get away with without having to invest in a separate sub for a while.

If none of these 2 make sense then I'll probably need to reassess investing in bookshelves and/or made in China, though that's not something I'd prefer to do.



quality. I haven't known many things from China that last. I know made in UK that do though.

John Duncan

Well-known member
upsidesunny:quality. I haven't known many things from China that last. I know made in UK that do though.

Whereas practically everything I own now, irrespective of quality, was made in China. Loads of UK manufacturers now source their manufacturing in the PRC and it's as good as the manufacturers want to make it.


yes, I figured that's something I'm going to have to learn to accept at some point - though right now I probably have to figure out if the DC4T or DC6T makes more sense or just something else, made in China or otherwise.

the test room in the shop I go to is large and wide - unlike my space so I'm not sure I'm making correct comparisons space wise.

any thoughts?


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