Speakers for ARCAM AVR 600


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have just got the 600 upgrading from a 350 and am using a DALI IKON 5.1 speaker package for cinema and HIFI Thats IKON 6 for front( bi amped) and IKON 5 for rear with an IKON centre. Any suggestions for upgrades to front or all speakers? No objection to large speakers. I am generally very happy but you know what its like!!! Have thought of PMC's but they are very expensive, so any thoughts welcome especially if you live near Cumbria and I could come and compare.
I would suggest at this level a demonstration is essential. What are you looking for as an upgrade - more detail, bass, involvement? Presuming you want to improve your movies a new sub would be a good choice , the Ikon sub is good but there are better units out there. Keeping with Dali the Helicons are the next speaker in the range that we would recommend. They are not as upfront as the Ikon's but they are far more detailed and insightful. They are much more expensive though.

If you move across to PMC the FB1i will give you the bass you have from the Ikon 6's but with more control. Chaning to PMC would allow you to opt for the larger centre and that will give you a huge lift in perfromance over the Vokal centre. Cost wise the change to PMC would not be too damaging but to get a lift from where you are some investment will be required.

I heard it with the PMC OB1i fronts and I wouldn't bother upgrading to anything less than this level. My Dali Helicon 400 Mk II fronts are the same or slightly better. It was a big jump up from my Dali Ikon 6s, but not so much so that I suddenly disliked the Ikons. They were great and although I'm trying to sell mine as second hand, I could quite happily keep them for bedroom use. Check out the second hand market. You might find a bargain.

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Thanks for the advice guys, the problem for me living in t'countryside is find a dealer close enough with all the speakers I would like to listen to( 100 miles to Manchester). Any more suggestions gratefully accepted though. Also waiting for the new Arcam Blu Ray player to decide between that and other contestants like the oppo. Using the PS3 for now which is such good value for waht it does.
The AVR600 is an extremely capable amplifier, and leaves you wide open to possibilties. The obvious way forward would be to upgrade within Dali, looking at the Mentors and Helicons, which will give you quite a leap over what you have now. This just depends on how much you like the Dali sound and whether you want to stick with it. Other possibilities, if you want to look at something different, would be KEF's XQ range, ATC's SCM range, and Proac's Response range. An audition is definitely recommened, as you're the one who has to live with them, as well as pay for them!


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