Speakers and cable upgrade - Partners for Pathos Ethos - keeping TOH happy!!


New member
Mar 31, 2008
Evening all,

Looking for pointers for a planned upgrade.

Current system is Pathos Ethos with the DAC, normally (until Maveric arrived and ruined everything), fed by a Mac Mini but currently using my Cyrus Discmaster 8.0 QX as a transport and ProAc Studio 140's.

First up is speaker cable. Finally got permission to tear the floor up to replace my speaker cable which has been with me since my first system, very many moons ago. Need something which is ok for a 5-6m run, thin enough for under flooring, of sufficient quality to go with my set up after a speaker upgrade and wont involve me selling my car to finance.....

Secondly speaker upgrade, my significant other is keen on something other than a replacement set of big wooden boxes in the corner, whlst I'm just about sound. To this end I'm going to audition the Fazon F5, has anyone any other suggestions combining form and function? Music wise we really are all rounders, as lkely to hear Metallica as Adele as Floyd as Dr Dre as Rutter. Budget wise would like to keep it this side of £3k.

All suggestions very welcome indeed!! If it ends up boxes after auditions well we end up with boxes, but it'd be nice not to.
Hi there.....and what a nice choice of amp.

Here are some questions that may help us give useful suggestions:

- What size of room do you have?

- How close to the walls or corners will they be?

- Would you consider Standmounts?

- Are you trying to avoid a wood finish?

Good modest cables:

- Linn K20 (ebay)

- QED 79 strand

- Van Damme UP-LC OFC / Studio Blue

- Telurium Q Blue (a little more expensive)

If you want to try something more expensive, you need to see if you think it's worth spending on. I like TQ, Atlas, Vertere and Audioquest.....you need to visit a dealer and borrow some at different prices, to try in your system.

yes love the amp, it's actually the one they reviewed on here, I bought it off the uk distributor for a nice discount.

My room is around 5m x 7m, I have them standing in about 1m clear of the corner but could possibly bring them in a little more, little people / amimals mean I'd prefer to stick with floor standers for stability's sake, not looking to avoid wood, more the big box, shape rather than finish I think is the issue.

thanks for the wire suggestions, I'll have a look.
Some ideas for your demo list:

- Kef R700 / R900

- Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 / 3.0

- Spendor A6R / D7 (a little over budget)

- GamuT Phi 5

- Kudos Cardea C2 / C20 (a bit over budget)

- Proac D28 (a bit over budget)
As you don't like boxes, are able to put the speakers >1 m from the front wall, and have a Pathos amp to feed them, I'd suggest you consider a pair of Magnepan 1.7s (£2500/pair in the UK). Hard to understand the difference with conventional speakers as long as you haven't heard them (which might be the problem: I don't know how hard it is to find a pair to demo where you live)...
Thanks for these,

The Sonus Fabers[/b] especially look like something TOH could live with, and I like the look of the GamuT[/b] Phi 5. I'll be having a listen to both I thinnk. I've always liked the sound from my Studio 140's so I'll be cheking out the D28's, unfortunately they are precicely what my good lady has been complainig about for the past few years...
Magnepan 1.7s!

Hadnt even considered this style, so you've certainly got me thinking. I'll have to seek some out. Any ideda how child / pet proof they are? Too delicate isn't a good thing in my house!
Tuess said:
Magnepan 1.7s!

Hadnt even considered this style, so you've certainly got me thinking. I'll have to seek some out. Any ideda how child / pet proof they are? Too delicate isn't a good thing in my house!

IME they're fairly robust. The panel is less delicate than many conventional drivers. And they are not that easy to knock over either. If you have a cat that wants to use them as cat trees, of course...


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