grimharry said:This may seem a stupid question but simply this. I have a pioneer a400 and wharfedale 9.1 speakers and am now toying with dali zensor 3 or maybe b&w 685 s2. The thing is I like the idea of a great sound would these the best way to go?
grimharry said:I am planning to get the amp serviced and getting the smoothing and decoupling caps changed.
Vladimir said:Pioneer sets it at 25mA and Tom biased it up to to 200mA. However, considering I didn't feel like changing the transistor cooling paste at the time, I let mine run slightly cooler at 170mA. It runs hotter than typical, but not class A hot (1.3A and up). More like a Harman receiver.
grimharry said:Seems hard to find an a300r bit like rocking horse droppings
grimharry said:And can I take there was a noticeable improvement if so I'll do the same