Speaker selection for Arcam FMJ A18 amplifier


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2009
Hi all, Last May I purchased an Arcam FMJ A18 stereo amplifier. The main reason for selecting this amp was to use make use of it's AV mode: use the same pair of speakers for the front LR speakers of my cinema setup as well as the stereo speakers for my hifi system. It was also heavily discounted at Richer Sounds. I have recently separated the hifi and cinema amps - using the Arcam as purely stereo hifi amplifier. The only source that it uses is a Pioneer N-50 media streamer and the speakers that I use are Mission 751 Freedoms on Soundstyle Z2 stands. Have just purchased the Audioquest speaker cable that won the most recent What Hifi award, but haven't yet connected it. My problem is that whilst the sound is very good, it does seem to lack excitement - something that my old Cyrus 3/ Mission 751 (non-freedoms)/ Marantz CD63 II KI definitely did have. Are there any speakers that can go with this amp, that will improve excitement? So far I've been considering Monitor Audio RS1, RX1 and possible Rega RS1. Note that I cannot have the speakers further than say 20cm from the wall. Note: In the future, I may consider upgrading the amp by addition of an Arcam P75+, P80 or P85 power amp. Or very possible replace with an A19 - although have heard that in some respects it's better and others it's worse... Thanks Tim
I think a few members on here have tried the A18 amp and found it lacking in punch/grunt or excitment. Did you notice the 751 non-freedom model sounded more lively and exciting? Have you tried any other sources? Also maybe Arcam doesn't suite your tastes as much as for example Cyrus.

Whats your price range for speakers? What about Dali Zensor 3 or Focal Chorus?

thanks for the reply. I decided in the end to go with a new cyrus amp. The next dilemma is that the 6a can be had for around the £450 mark and for around £100 less on eBay, it's possible to get a cyrus 8vs2. I'm pretty sure that will solve or massively help the problem.

which of those two amps do u think would be better?



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