Speaker recommendations for office setup


New member
Jun 1, 2014
Hello good people.

So I've built myself an office and have decided to go for something slighty more substantial than laptop speakers. I have decided on the Marantz M-CR611 all-in-one system and am thinking about speakers to go with it.

Budget: Yen isn't going to make sense (bad pun, sorry) so let's say 'Dali Zensor 3' price range.

Room size/layout: 14 sqm give or take. Spartan furnishing, tatami mat floors.

Music tastes: Metal, classical, jazz, swing, blues, pop, folk (probably in that order)

Unwilling to buy second hand.

I had thought that the Zensor 3's would be quite a nice match but I would appreciate any alternative suggestions to keep an eye out for. Cheers!

Just an alternative scenario for you. For use in a personal office, dave dotco often recommends using a preamp or dac, plus a pair of active speakers.
Most importantly where are the speakers to be placed?

Zensor 3s really need decent stands, if this is not the case Zensor 1s are probably a better bet.

Some of the smaller actives are pretty good on the desktop, Adam A3x for example.
Two placement options, either on a wee AV rack or on stands next to it; Its just an empty room right now so there is a degree of flexibility. I neglected to mention it last time but the reason for looking at the marantz was the wealth of source inputs, including bluetooth.

Will check if Adam retails here, thanks.


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