Since the weekend I'm a very happy owner of a a 46" W905a - picture is fab compared with my five year old W4000.
Here's my question: the shiny silver bit with the Sony logo on it (apparently called the intelligent core I think) protrudes down from the frame and causes me to have a gap between the TV and the soundbar (both are mounted on a stand, so if they abutted with no gap it'd look much neater). Anyone know if this does anything (apart from change colour occasionally) and if it can be safely removed? I removed a couple of nearby screws in an exploritory way, but it didn't seem to want to budge...
Looking for some advice before I invalidate my warranty and kill my new TV!
Since the weekend I'm a very happy owner of a a 46" W905a - picture is fab compared with my five year old W4000.
Here's my question: the shiny silver bit with the Sony logo on it (apparently called the intelligent core I think) protrudes down from the frame and causes me to have a gap between the TV and the soundbar (both are mounted on a stand, so if they abutted with no gap it'd look much neater). Anyone know if this does anything (apart from change colour occasionally) and if it can be safely removed? I removed a couple of nearby screws in an exploritory way, but it didn't seem to want to budge...
Looking for some advice before I invalidate my warranty and kill my new TV!