Sony and backlight bleed...


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Aug 10, 2019
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...I know this topic has been discussed at length in several threads but I'm intrigued by the whole issue. Sony must be aware of the opinions of its consumers, they must have a design team that spend huge amounts of time designing their products, they have vast resources and the most advanced technology why do they consider backlight bleed to be a non issue? Its strange that the TV's produced this year appear to suffer from this 'characteristic' more than last years, despite all the protestations of the consumer. If this was one area that might affect the number of sales they make surely they would dedicate resources to make sure their sets were no worse in this respect than the competition? Even if they didn't admit there was a problem with some of last years sets, you would have thought production would have been reviewed to prevent it occuring in future? Quite bizarre! I have a small screen Sony lcd which doesn't demonstrate any signs of bleed and I am a self confessed Sony fan ;) but I must admit I would be a little cautious of buying a large screen set from them at the moment!


the thing is , its either a recognised fault or not , sony dont recognise it , but reviewers and customers do , some sellers will guarantee a replacement if theres bleed , and some wont ... if there was only a very small percentage of sony tvs that had bleed ,as many people claim , im sure they would replace them without quibble , however it appears that so many of them have the problem that sony simply cant admit to it , because it would cost them too much money ...


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I'd like to see this backed up with hard evidence in the form of return/complaint statistics across retail channels. Otherwise its simply conjecture based on a comparatively tiny number of sets and the fact that anyone who does suffer an issue is naturally attracted to forums such as this as a place to discuss it.

I'm not saying every Sony set is perfect because that isn't true of any manufacturer of any product (the odd set is bound to slip through the net when such massive quantities are produced), and I'm certainly not making light of any issues that particular people may experience. However, to make generalisations without hard statistical evidence to support them is misleading and inaccurate. The nature of our type of retailer means that we mostly attract very discerning customers who would, I am sure, be the first to come straight back to us in the event of such an issue. We haven't had one complaint in either of our two stores regarding this issue, and we sell huge numbers of Sony TVs. That doesn't mean the issues people have had don't exist, but it does suggest that too many generalisations are being made.


mathew , several of whfis review sonys have had backlight bleed , last year most other reviewers seen bleed on their review sonys , i have seen it on a friends sony , many people on here post about their experiences of it .. if it was the case , as you think , that only a very small percentage of sony sets have this problem , then why dont sony recognise it as a fault and replace or refund straight away ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


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That isn't my question to answer and I'm not arguing the point, because I haven't seen the sets with 'backlight issues'. I just think its a bit much that all these generalisations are not being backed up with proper statistical evidence.

Anyway, I keep promising myself I'm not going to get involved with this debate, so I'm not going to say any more on the matter because whatever I say I'm going to be seen as biased.


it may be a good idea not to take sonys side on this subject , many have , and they all say the same , show me , prove this , evidence that , heres some statystical analysis , what chance has the general punter of getting a bleed free sony , hmmm ? 98% 99% , maybe .. maybe your right , maybe its only a tiny tiny few sets that are problematic ? WELL HOW COME THEY HAVE SENT WHFI SEVERAL OF THEM WITH BACKLIGHT BLEED ?? , is that a generalisation ?? a conspiricy , a set up job ?? , was it a bad batch ?? how many bad batches are there ?? , its a quality control problem thats highly embarrasing for sony , and everybody knows it ...


According to the latest supertest, the new Sony KDL-40Z550 also suffers from slight backlight bleed ... A real shame, because other than that, this tv seems very good!


funnily enough ,the backlight bleed i seen on my friends sony 46v4000 wasnt a big deal , only noticeable when watching in a dark room ,showing a dark scene , it wouldnt put me off buying one , however for some people it would be a dealbreaker , or a reason to return the tv make some brilliant tvs , so its a shame ..


Mmm if it is an issue it seems such a shame as in virtually every other respect the Bravia picture is excellent on the latest sets. Like Matthew says I wonder if it has been somewhat blown out of proportion? Although you would think Sony would ensure TV's provided for review were free of the problem!


buy one from a retailer like mathew , if your happy keep it , if you find problems give it back ...


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Sep 13, 2007
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Hello to all!

I have raised this subject in another thread on here as i've been looking to upgrade my current Sony 32P3020 to something bigger with HD, 40 - 42 inch ideally and was considering another Sony TV as i've been so happy with my current TV. After seeing how many people had issues with their sets i have been put off unless i can get a retailer guarantee to be able to take it back! I don't see the theory of it being a small percentage of sets that suffer holding weight as there is simply too many people not happy on various forums, to the extent that Sony were forced to comment...of sorts. More likely is that it's a manufacturing issue as some people seem unaffected with no 'bleed' problems and lets face it how many people would bother reporting their TV has no issues...


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