sony 52 panna 52


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Can any subscribers tell me how the 52w4000 and 50pz81 got on in supertest. i take it the pioneer won, sold my tv tonight and cant wait to order one of these if there any good. cheers
You are correct, Pioneer won, but both 52 Sony and 50 Panny got 5* , Depends if you want Freesat and as everyone says you need to compare them. I was pretty much decided on Panny since thought LCD was out but reading the Sony review means I should really have a look. Buy the mag and get to the store and post what you think. Good Luck
Pioneer won, followed by the Sony and then 3rd place went to the Panasonic. If you can stretch your budget, go for the Pioneer. IMO, the Sony still can't match the Pioneer when watching movies. Colour/contrast just looks much better.


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