Sonos Sub Mini

In a word, no. We tried one to go with our (excellent) Beam 2 soundbar. Did it improve the sound? - yes, but not sufficiently to justify that price tag. In addition, my wife, who has better hearing than mine, found it unbearably boomy at times, so much so that it obscured the dialogue in films. So back to Sonos it went. Pity, it was nicely made and quite unobtrusive physically, but, in our opinion, the sound simply didn't match the price.
Sounds like this commenter didn’t TruePlay tune the sub, which should have eliminated boominess. I think many Sonos owners don’t realize what they have, as the entire reason their price premium is worth it is because of how good TruePlay tuning is. Without using it, you are at the mercy of your environment and your own placement choices as with the majority of Sonos’ competition.
True Play? Never heard of it. Nor do I remember any mention of it in the Sonos literature. Them's the breaks.
Android phone? The function may still only work for iPhones re the app needing to be able to trust the internal mic calibration etc


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