sonos or computer


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Just wondcering what would give me the best sound.I ve got all my music stored onto my laptop with jrivers15 in flac files.Would i get a better sound from a sonos system to a dac via optical or a better sound from compouter to a dac using the usb.(something like the wyred for sound dac2 or benchmark hdr?

sincerely yours
I'm not sure anyone will be able to give you a definitive answer, you're probably going to have to try for yourself. I find Sonos to dac via Coax slightly better than Mac to dac via optical...

One thing I can say is that Sonos is just great from an interface and usability perspective, if you go the Sonos route you will not regret it.
Not wishing to add confusion, but if using a DAC have you considered an apple airport express instead of sonos?

It has an optical out, so theoretically it should send exactly the same to your dac as either your laptop or sonos, and if you look on eBay you should pick up one (check it's 802.11n) for around £50-60? I can thoroughly recommend them (now have 3 and soon a 4th) and you might save some pennies too? Just a thought! 🙂
Hi guys and thanks for replying.I have indeed tried the airport but not too impress with it as a few drop out.If I go the sonos way, it ll probably be hard wired via ethernet to the laptop then optical to dac.

I have used a sonos before(friends place) and indeed the interface is great.