Some advice please Claire.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Hi Claire,

I'm looking to audition a pair of Mordaunt Short Permonce 6LE speakers in early January and I believe you have these speakers in your own AV set up?

May I ask what amp set up you are using to drive these? If they impress I may very well be tempted to go the whole hog and get the other matching speakers from the range to give me a 7.1configuration.

Initially I would like a stereo amp and CDs to partner the 6's.

If you see my kit list you'll notice I have Denon kit with MA speakers, if I go the full 7.1 with the MS Performance some ideas for AV gear would be great.

The shop where I'I'll audition the 6's has a deal on the Marantz Pearlite combo, would this not do these speakers justice?

Assuming the Marantz stereo kit is up to scratch would the processor/amp route from Marantz also be good?

Sorry for all the questions, posted similar queries a while back had a limited response. Seems maybe there aren't many folks with these speakers. Feel quite lucky that you have them in a similar set up to that which I would like.


Clare Newsome

New member
Jun 4, 2007
I've got the standard Performance 6 speakers and matching centre - used with two smaller pairs of surround/rear speakers plus two subwoofers.

Hi-fi wise, I drive the front pair with Leema Tucana II amplifier; AV wise it's a Pioneer LX83 receiver - both do a great job, as have other meaty amps I've tried.

However, the LE version have a slightly different sonic signature - I borrowed a pair for a while, and found them slightly less clinical than the P6, with more bass weight - they've got more of a character than the P6s, which are very neutral/ultra-revealing. They really sung as a hi-fi pair - just a little more forgiving than the P6s.

Really you need to audition, audition, audition - preferably at home, but definitely with a wide mix of your favourite content.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Firstly I must apologise on the spelling mistake of your name Clare, how very rude.

Thanks for the quick reply, any thoughts on the Marantz Pearlite mentioned? Have to see if I can set up a demo with the Leema. Can I ask what surrounds you are using? Would my MA RSFX be ok to keep or huge benefit from the Performance 2s?

Thanks again and Merry Christmas.

Clare Newsome

New member
Jun 4, 2007
Sorry, I've been off the grid for a day. I haven't spent enough time with the Marantz pairing to know if it'll be a good match - though when Marantz distributed Mordaunt Short speakers, Ken Ishiwata often used the P6 LE models in his Marantz demos. So that's a good sign!

Re the surround speakers - ideally you should go for designs that tonally match the Mordaunt Shorts, but the front three are the key. I'm sure your existing rears would suffice, but you'd enjoy a more cohesive surround performance with the P2s in place.

We're using a set of four sample speakers (not MS) that never made it into full production, but look/sound the part in our system. However, in an ideal world - and a larger room - I'd go for the full matching set!

Let us know how you get on.


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