So much for dynamic range then!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I just listened to some songs on spotify and I am assuming they will sound exactly like that when they are bought. The main thing that struck me about the songs was the loudness of the frequencies. Surely this is bad news for hi fi because it renders dynamic range quite useless?
Over that last few years the loudness of cd has kept increasing because the recordings are being made so they sound good on ipods ect.I use a preamp with a stepped volume pot and have to use rothwell attenuators to cut the gain because its just too loud on the first couple of positions.Many recordings now have little or no dynamic range and some even have digital clipping that sound just plain nasty.
John I have lots of cd's and modern ones to i.e. in the year or so but still, the loudness of the frequencies I was hearing on spotify still took me aback and would be a definitive disincentive for paying for downloads.
Spotify songs are compressed at 160kbps. When you buy the music, assuming "through" spotify, you are actually buying from 7digital who I think use 320kbps. It should sound much better.
Thanks Jazzy, how is your quest for that elusive amp going by the way?


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