Small size fm tuner


New member
Oct 2, 2008
Hi all.

Can anyone point me in direction of a small or half width tuner? I'm looking for FM mainly DAB would be a nice extra but not a deal breaker.

The obivous ones are the Cyrus and Teac. Any others I should think about? Ebay bargins and used more than welcome.

Thanks everyone
I've got a Quad FM4 which sounds sweet. 8 presets and no DAB. FM sound nicer anyhow.
I have a cyrus FM7.5, also no DAB which is better than the one with the combined DAB/FM module.

It is one of a few tuners which are reported to have an accurate signal strengths meter and very nice it is. You should be able to pick a good one up for not to much.

The Meridian 204 I've used until recently is very small and has a good reputation especially with a reasonable aerial. The Meridian 104 is even smaller being both half width, if that, and half height. It doesn't have as many features as the 204 though.

It’s a great shame that Rega appear to have abandoned radio. I have their original clamshell Radio, which is in for repair at the moment. I've bought an M-CR610 as an experiment with streaming and a need for DAB. The interface is infuriating, but no denying the convenience of an all in one box. If Rega would launch a half size streamer (matching the Brio-R) with Airplay, DAB and FM, all would be well with the world.
ela-ted said:
It’s a great shame that Rega appear to have abandoned radio. I have their original clamshell Radio, which is in for repair at the moment. I've bought an M-CR610 as an experiment with streaming and a need for DAB. The interface is infuriating, but no denying the convenience of an all in one box. If Rega would launch a half size streamer (matching the Brio-R) with Airplay, DAB and FM, all would be well with the world.

couldn't agree more


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