slimline subwoofer, no more than 10cms depth


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Can anyone recommend a sub to go with the Monitor Audio Radius range of speakers that is less than 10cms depth. Budget is up to £1000.
im85288:Can anyone recommend a sub to go with the Monitor Audio Radius range of speakers that is less than 10cms depth. Budget is up to £1000.

The slimmest sub woofer I've ever seen was covered in what hifi some time ago. From a Israeli company, white, can't remember the name...

Still, sub woofer and slim in one package together,I think, is not a good recipe for quality. What's your reason for wanting a woofer with only 10 cm depth?

Edit: found the company's name- Morel
You probably mean the Falstaff by Alto: it actually is a car-audio woofer and is indeed very shallow. It is based on the Aliante-design however from Phase Linear (also known as Phase Evolution): I own one, a 12" beautiful piece of technology!


Back on-topic: topicstarter, if you are able and willing to make a DIY-enclosure with an amplifier-module built-in (which isn't that hard by the way!) you will be able to make one less than 10cm in depth. The 12"-models perform well in an enclosure of about 30Litres sealed, but ported designs are also possible.

I don't think this will all be of any use, but you never known eh

Greetings, Wilco
Mm. Can't help thinking bigger is to some extent better with subs. However. Cars often have "cassette" type subs and that type, slotted under the seat in my last car was extraordinarily effective. A heavy bass hit would shake the driver quite easily! Might be able to modify one - try asking a car hifi shop.
Ok after searching the internet for a while i found this a sub that can be placed on the wall or even under your sofa its called the SUBSTAGE 100 OR 200 STEALTH and can be found at Sound its only 4 inches high . Go check it out
Does slim subwoofer really capable of producing low-frequency effect? Most Subwoofers are designed with long-throw technology made them capable of shifting more air, rather than sound. It has a special role for producing the lowest-frequency effect that most speakers cannot reach.
I am planning to install the subwoofer in a "floating wall" installation, where on one side a radiator will be hidden so on the other side I thought it would be good to hide a sub. From what I have seen and read, this may be a bad idea. Maybe best to have the sub behind a sofa instead


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