Sky HD Upgrade


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Could anyone tell me what happens to the programs I have recorded on Sky+ when I upgrade to Sky HD? Does it get wiped clean or does it stay on the hard drive? Thanks. Mooooo

Depends what you do with your SKY+ box. When you upgrade you get a new (or reconditioned) SKYHD box but the SKY+ box may be placed in another room as part of a multiroom package. If this is the case, your recordings will remain on the HDD of the SKY+ box.

If you do not keep a hold of your original SKY+ box the recordings will leave with it.


Thank you. As I will be using the Sky+ box in another room it's good to know I don't have to stay up all night transferring 40%worth of programs (in real time) to my PVR. Off to the pub it is then, obviously not this early!
Thanks again.
[quote user="Moosive"]Off to the pub it is then, obviously not this early![/quote]

Why not? It is a Bank Holiday, after all...
You get a new HD box so you'l lose the saved programmes as its just like buying a new computer, you lose the data...there are ways to transfer it but i've never looked into, is it really worth the hassle??? I doubt it just get the HD box ordered i say!!!

The information is still on the old HDD on the Sky+ box - it's not lost if he keeps it.

If you have bought a new PC and been told your old data is lost then you have been misled. The old PC will still have all the data on it - all you do is plug it in and you will have access to it. If you were to replace only a broken HDD then yes, your data may be lost but there are recovery programmes or companies who will attempt to recover your data for a fee of course.

In this case Moosive is keeping the Sky digibox and moving it to another room - therefore everything will remain intact.




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