Sky HD box £99!


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Aug 10, 2019
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Comet are running a deal until 24th December offering a Sky HD box for £99 to new and existing customers. All you need to do is sign up to Sky HD and Sky Talk to qualify.

Just got back from there myself. :)


That's OK my spirits remained tinder dry. Sky HD coming on Friday and all for the princely sum of £99.

Oh and if you're further interested. I already had Sky Talk and it hasn't affected my ability to take up the offer,


Same as normal - £10 pm

You don't have to take up multiroom, but if you do that's another £10 pm

Sky talk has 2 levels of service - free or unlimited (£5 pm)


I can confirm all the above.

Comet basically have a Sky microsite in-store. I went in and arranged it the first day they were doing it. All went very smoothly.

Watch it though, they'll automatically sign you up for multiroom unless you say it's to REPLACE your old box on the Comet sign-up. Even though (and it's JUST been installed at mine) they'll leave the old box in case of future multiroom use.

Sky Talk is compulsory for 1 month, but the standard package is free anyway, all you need to do is to continue to pay your BT line rental, so Virgin etc customers, you'll need to switch to BT to use this deal.

It doesn't affect any broadband packages you have setup, although you can take this out also.

I've also paid my £25 to make sure my box isn't connected to the phone line (as i don't want yet another wire going round the house).

All in all, very good service, plus a free HDMI lead!


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Aug 28, 2007
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[quote user="Axum"]

I've also paid my £25 to make sure my box isn't connected to the phone line (as i don't want yet another wire going round the house).


I didn't know this was an option, do you know what the telephone line connection is used for?

I haven't had mine plugged in for months, although I've had it for over 12 months so there's nothing they can do about it.


It's sole use is to go "Active" and order stuff via your Sky box. You can still get Box Office etc through ringing them up.

They "insist" it's connected for 12 months with the HD box, they can apparently write you letters and if you don't connect it, they can charge you, but if they acually every follow-through, well i doubt that!


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Aug 28, 2007
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[quote user="Axum"]

They "insist" it's connected for 12 months with the HD box, they can apparently write you letters and if you don't connect it, they can charge you, but if they acually every follow-through, well i doubt that!


They sent me 2 letters when I had Sky+ a couple of years back, the 2nd was quite threatening, but I had three different engineers and three different boxes and none of them could get the phone line to work with the Sky+ box. So I just phoned them up and had a moan and they told me just to ignore the letters.


Yeah i can understand why they might get arsey with the Sky +/HD boxes with their hard drives in them, i think you could get around £200 for a new HD box on eBay, but as you've found, they don't really do anything about it...


I'm having a nightmare trying to upgrade from Sky+ / Virgin Media (for BB and telephone) to a full sky package (HD, multi room, Sky Talk, BB).

I've spent the best part of december waiting for my phone line to switch from NTL to BT as Sky told me this had to be done before I order the kit. It then turns out the line with BT went live 7/12/07 but no one seemed to know it had happened and BT didn't even know until I started to dig deeper with their many different call centres!

According to Sky website I could have ordered the HD kit and got the £169 deal providing I got the sky talk / BB in the next 6 weeks but they failed to tell me that mid december.

I've since rung 3 times to buy the new kit - I was cut off once and the other 2 times they've been unable to complete the order and 'promised' a call back which never arrived.....

I'm going to call again on Friday but feel very frustrated that I'm looking to go the whole hog with a company which seems not too keen to let you buy from them!!!


i've been using sky broadband for around 5/6 months now and have to say it's the slowest and most unrelieable ISP I have ever used. once my 12months are up i intend to move to another.

i'd love an HD box to accompany my pioneer plasma though....


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Nov 2, 2007
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Everyone I know that's got the all-in Sky Package complains about it, especially the broadband service, and you've got to phone their 0870 premium number and hold on forever for the privilige. The route to go is Sky for your satelite TV, Primus Telecoms for your phone service and Thus (Demon) as your ISP. Not the cheapest package in the world but by far the most reliable, in my humble opinion anyway.



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