Silver boxes


New member
Aug 10, 2019
hi everyone, just wanted to know if i am the only one who would chose silver over black in hifi boxes, as a lot of good deals seem to be for silver boxes only, which for me would be a good thing.
Silver everytime and for one good reason. Scratch a black un and what do you see ,a silver line. Ok you can touch it up with a marker pen or whatever,but the scratch isnt so apparant on a silver finish. Plus to me anyways, black lumps look like,well,black lumps. But each to their own i guess.
Silver every time for me. Just prefere its looks, more classy to me. So your not the only one!
I recently made the silver switch with new Rotel gear. I like the silver because I can see the controls on the CD player better when the room is poorly lit. It certainly stands out more, where my NAD did not.
The only thing i have black is my av amp, which i think looks ok because its bigger, dont think a big block of silver under the black tv would look great, saying that it would proberly look ok, just dont understand why some people are so stuck on black.
Silver all the way. Shame the BDP-S350 only came in black with that blue front panel..... It completely messes with my design aesthetic....... I didn't even buy a PS2 until they brought out a silver one.
ive just switctched to all black! dont tell me silvers back in ! lol
My kit is all silver, but I think every unit had black as an option (not the Minimax but Ive got a Music First plugged in at the moment - silver of course).

I put my preference down to all the silver hifi that was in my family and friends' houses when I was a kid in the 70's..
I'm not fussed, well look at my kit below; sliver, black, grey, red and the SHB cables are a lurid lilac and silver. When silver was at its height I got a discount for buying black.
it depends on each unit. Whick colour looks best.

Although at the moment it's all black.
chebby:Naim don't present a lot of options regarding finish.

You can have any colour you like as long as..............

Although im a silver man, i think the naim stuff looks good. Goes for stiff drink
Black, black, silver now back to black. At least I think that's how its gone! Admittedly I don't have much choice now that I have moved to the Naim camp.